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{tooltip}A Study on Dividend Behavior of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry{end-texte}Abstract – The main objective of this study is to understand the dividend behaviour of pharmaceutical companies. For the study five companies has been selected which covers the period from 2007-2016. To check the relationship between dividend and certain variables like stock price, revenue, other income, net profit and market capital correlation test is used. With the help of this test it is concluded that there is correlation between dividend per share and stock price, revenue, other income, net profit and market capital.{end-tooltip} |
Nirzari J. Sheth |
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{tooltip}Gujarat’s Khel Mahakumbh Event-Major Opportunities for Youth & Children{end-texte}Abstract – United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in line with Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015 and included Sport for Development and Peace as one of the global action to pursue these goals. Declaration of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has aptly acknowledged the role of Sport. Gujarat has initiated in this direction with the inception of various sports related activities like establishment of Swarnim Gujarat Sports University, Khele Gujarat Mission with yearly sport event like Khel Mahakubh to develop and encourage children and youth of Gujarat towards sports and over all development of the State. The present research article intends to identify these efforts and assessment of the same with specific focus on Khel Mahakumbh. The results are robust in a way the participation of various age groups in various sports event. The efforts of Government have also increased with the budget allocation and establishment of infrastructural facilities all over the State. Though the picture is dismal so far as National and International sports event participation and ranking of the State is concerned. A Holistic approach is needed to track on the efforts of Government for Sustainable Development of the State.{end-tooltip} |
Jignesh K. Barot |
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{tooltip}Culture Conflicts and Dilemma of ‘otherness’ in Bharati Mukherjee’s the Tiger’s Daughter{end-texte}Abstract – An important concern of liberation and facing psychological state. Conflict is an inevitable a part of human life and human values in themselves produce distinction. These variations typically take a violent flip. The construct of violence is complicated, elusive and multi-dimensional. Bharati Mukherjee has endeavoured to trace the conflicts and therefore the outcome of the variations arising during this conflict on the psyche of Indian women especially immigrant women. Her fiction and her short stories, explore the conflict that women bear whereas fulfilling their ancient roles as female offspring, woman and mother. Bharati Mukherjee, a diasporic author deals with a typical native scene presents the image paper looks into how Mukherjee deal with psychological tensions and realistically portray the reactions and outcome of their tensions in her protagonists the expatriate woman Tara and offers a brand new approach to them in her novel. The aim of this woman and her issues in her woman protagonist Tara.{end-tooltip} |
Nilam H. Gajjar |
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{tooltip}Consumer Attitudes towards Global Brands{end-texte}Abstract – In today’s emerging world economies of the world is booming, which provides great chances for global corporations. The global brands have expanded a bee line to the global market seize a market share in the growing pie. In today’s set-up brands are the basis of consumer association. Global brand is a product that adds other magnitudes that distinguish it in some way from other products intended to satisfy the same need. Globalization is inevitable which has led the entire world to become a market, a global village. Not only has globalization made the world become a real single universal community containing people from various cultures, but also it has aided greatly in the exchange of services and goods, knowledge and information by reducing the international barriers, thus leading to the shrinkage of the world. This study examines consumer attitudes towards global brands.{end-tooltip} |
Anuj Jatav |
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{tooltip}Challenges of IFRS Implementation in India{end-texte}Abstract – India has been identified as one of the potential emerging economy in the world and been considered as a profitable avenue for the global investment that has drastically changed the economic as well as legal environment in the economy which led to integrate its Financial Reporting with the rest of the economies of the world so that the global investors can understand and compare the financial data of the companies with the global companies. In the present scenario of globalization, the world is no more a spherical globe; it has become a flat boundary less village. A large figure of Multinational Corporations is setting up their business units in different nations mainly in emerging economies that has prompted to recognize the benefits of having commonly accepted and understood financial reporting standards (Haribhakti, 2008). In this scenario of globalization, India cannot isolate itself from the developments taking place worldwide.{end-tooltip} |
Mohammad Shamim Ahmad Ansari et al. |
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{tooltip}Dualism in the Manufacturing Sector and its Implications{end-texte}Abstract – India today is one of the fastest growing nations and has emerged as a major global economic power and a favourite for international investment. It stands at 9th position as the most favourable country for foreign investment. An important aspect of the recent growth pattern in India has been the apparent sluggishness in the output and employment growth in the manufacturing sector despite high growth of GP This article brings to the focus on missing middle in the manufacturing sector in India which may be the reason for the slow growth of this sector.{end-tooltip} |
Kanika Talwar |
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{tooltip}Digital Technology for Teacher Education in Context of Children with Special Needs{end-texte}Abstract – Millions of students across the world cannot benefit fully from a traditional educational program because they have a disability that impairs their ability to participate in a typical classroom environment. For these students, computer-based technologies can play an especially important role. Not only can computer technology facilitate a broader range of educational activities to meet a variety of needs for students with mild learning disorders, but adaptive technology now exists than can enable even those students with severe disabilities to become active learners in the classroom alongside their peers who do not have disabilities. This paper provides an overview of the role of computer technology in promoting the education of children with special needs within the regular classroom. Use of computer technology for word processing, communication, research, and multimedia projects can help the millions of students with specific learning and emotional disorders keep up with their nondisabled peers. Computer technology has also enhanced the development of sophisticated devices that can assist the millions of students with more severe disabilities in overcoming a wide range of limitations that hinder classroom participation from speech and hearing impairments to blindness and severe physical disabilities. However, many teachers are not adequately trained on how to use technology effectively in their classrooms, and the cost of the technology is a serious consideration for all schools. Thus, although computer technology has the potential to act as an equalizer by freeing many students from their disabilities, the barriers of inadequate training and cost must first be overcome before more widespread use can become a reality.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Narendra kumar Pathak |
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महिला सशक्तिकरण : एक सामाजिक अनिवार्यता
डॉ. सतीश कुमार सिंह |
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उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालयों के विद्यार्थियों की आत्मसिद्धि एवं समायोजन का विश्लेषण
डॉ. तिर्मल सिंह |
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माध्यमिक स्तर के अनुदानित तथा गैर अनुदानित विद्यालयों के शिक्षकों में मानवाधिकार शिक्षा संबंधी ज्ञान का विश्लेषण
डॉ. उमेश कुमार बाजपेई |
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उच्चतर माध्यमिक स्तर के विद्यालयों की भौतिक चिंता का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
डॉ. शशि सिंह |
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{tooltip}Presentation of Journey through History in Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines{end-texte}Abstract – Among contemporary Indian writers, Ghosh is the most cosmopolitan. His significance as a writer lies in his cosmopolitan approach. He is a writer who travels and re-maps the world drawing connections across the boundaries of modern nation states. In his creative pursuit of political and historical realities and facts and his redrawing of cultural and political lines that divide and unite that Amitav Ghosh finds his goal as a writer.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Anjana Das |
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{tooltip}Inclusive Knowledge through IGNOU’s Programme as Motivational Factors for Distance Learners{end-texte}Abstract – Open and Distance Education System (ODES) has emerged as an important and vital approach in education in ensuring access of higher education to all people. It is the effective way of teaching-learning process and day-by-day every section of the society is taking interest to join and getting benefits. The uniqueness of Open and Distance Education System (ODES) is the flexibility of teaching and reaching to the students. It has enhanced the access of open universities and facilitated in extending the educational opportunities to rural and remote places. It increases the learners’ concentration in the learning process. The IGNOU is fulfilling the educational needs of deprived sections of the society and fulfilling the dreams of quality education. The slogan for the Open and Distance System is very pertinent to mention here: Har Ghar IGNOU, Ghar Ghar IGNOU: Education at your doorsteps for the inclusive knowledge development of all the sections in the country.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Manveer Singh |
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{tooltip}Developing a Positive Personality{end-texte}Abstract – While there is still controversy as to which factor ranks higher in affecting personality development, all experts agree that high-quality parenting plays a critical role in the development of a child’s personality. When parents understand how their child responds to certain situations, they can anticipate issues that might be problematic for their child. They can prepare the child for the situation or in some cases they may avoid a potentially difficult situation altogether. Parents who know how to adapt their parenting approach to the particular temperament of their child can best provide guidance and ensure the successful development of their child’s personality. Finally, the third component of personality is character—the set of emotional, cognitive, and behavioural patterns learned from experience that determines how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. A person’s character continues to evolve throughout life, although much depends on inborn traits and early experiences. Character is also dependent on a person’s moral development. The stages that significantly influence personality development are infancy, toddlerhood, pre-school, school- age and adolescence. Here the discussion regarding this article.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Chandana Dey |