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{tooltip}Impact of Using Audio-visual aid in Language Learning and Teaching Process{end-texte}Abstract – In today’s revolutionized and fast pacing world, it is seen that mostly people are getting obsessed with the comfort zone that the technology is providing. Technology is proving out to be a boon to mankind in many aspects if used effectively. Using multimedia in the teaching and learning English language is no exception to the insurgency that expertise has bought in the tutorial room practices. Integrating technology i.e. consuming multimedia has not only sustained the language learning but also has get rid of the emphasis from the mentor centered to apprentice centered learning. Multimedia tools like power point, flash animations, audio visual materials, documentaries, online learning practices are used in language classrooms for active learning and teaching. Language implementers have realized that in order to foster learning environs, teaching through multimedia becomes inexorable.
Focusing on using multimedia in teaching language skills the impartial of the paper is firstly to list the benefits of using multimedia. Secondly to find out how effective is multimedia in language learning and teaching. And thirdly what should be kept in mind while incorporating multimedia in customary classroom practices.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Maulik Barot |
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{tooltip}A Study of Frustration among the Students of Higher Secondary Schools{end-texte}Abstract – Present Study has been done to know the problems of Higher Secondary School Students’. The major aim of this study to know effect of Gender, Stander & area. In the present study the researcher used self made frustration Inventory on the basis of the achieved scores of the data distributed as per the variable of the study. To check out the significance difference of the null hypotheses; average, standard error and t-value have been calculated.{end-tooltip} |
Hasit Sadhu |
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{tooltip}Role of Management Libraries in Career Guidance of Students: A Study with Special Reference to Solapur University{end-texte}Abstract – In this research paper the researcher has investigated career guidance services offered by the management institutes and described finding the truth. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the career guidance service offered by the management institutes libraries to its students. Management institutes libraries and librarians are playing a vital role in education system. This 21st century is known as information technology era hence career guidance and employment/ job opportunities services has provide by these libraries are very important to the student. This paper also discussed about the methods of disseminating of career guidance services to the students.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Ghante P. B. et al. |
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{tooltip}Environmental Menace{end-texte}Abstract – Environment, all of the external factors affecting an organism. These factors may be other living organisms (biotic factors) or nonliving variables (abiotic factors), such as water, soil, climate, light and oxygen. All interacting biotic and abiotic factors together make up an ecosystem. This ecosystem, now a days, has been damaged through certain environmental menaces lie destruction of the world’s rain forests, global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer etc. If measures are not taken seriously, than global environment collapse is bound to be there. Thus, people have to focus on sustainable development rather than economic expansion in order to keep up the ecosystem. The present article focuses on the certain environment problems and the importance of environment study.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jayesh A. Bhatt et al |
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{tooltip}Digital Library Formation{end-texte}Abstract – In this article author has discusses the new activities concept methods in digitization and formation of digital libraries. In present era digital library is a necessity of the society. Digital Libraries are being created today for diverse communities and in different fields e.g. education, science, culture, development, health, governance and so on. With the availability of several free digital Library software packages at the recent time, the creation and sharing of information through the digital library collections has become an attractive and feasible proposition for library and information professionals around the world. The topic of changing service of Library in digital and one of the free digital Library software discussed here.{end-tooltip} |
Ilasariya Devendrakumar H. |
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{tooltip}Modern Management Theories: A Critical Overview{end-texte}Abstract – Managing is one of the most important human activities. From the time human beings began forming social organizations to accomplish aims and objectives they could not accomplish as individuals, managing has been essential to ensure the coordination of individual efforts. As society continuously relied on group effort, and as many organized groups have become large, the task of managers has been increasing in importance and complexity. Henceforth, managerial theory has become crucial in the way managers manage complex organizations.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Digesh V. Pawar |
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{tooltip}Management and Commerce{end-texte}Abstract – Management in business and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling an organization or initiative to accomplish a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources. Management is also an academic discipline, a social science whose object of study is the social organization. So, it’s essential that without commerce there is no existence of business as well as in management. Commerce is a heart of management and its functions.{end-tooltip} |
Sanjaykumar N. Luhana |
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{tooltip}Self-Concept of Students Enrolled in the Arts, Commerce and Science College{end-texte}Abstract – Education is the great tool to change and develop the individual and society. Today’s student is the main pillar base of the society and Nation. Better mental development of the individual leads to the better formation of the society. Well-adjusted and individual with the faith of self-esteem provide ideal picture for the society and education. Every person comes from the different kind of the society for the education. For the better development of each person of the society it is very necessary to know about own self and must have to clear about individual self-concept. Personal Self- Concept characteristics involve beliefs and skill. By mastering the skill and learning from the expert, individual gets SelfConfidence on self. The beliefs alone actually increased the probability that it would be fulfilled and help the cause the prophecy’s fulfillment. In the education field student start to educate from K.G. and get for higher study as individual needs of the study. Graduation provides more concrete level for the education, especially for the mastering over the subject. Few of the students get admission in different kind of faculties of Graduation study with high profile. It becomes necessary to know the level of selfconcept of graduate students enrolled in colleges.{end-tooltip} |
Devyani K. Raval |
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{tooltip}Application of Yogic Techniques in the Psychological Well Being of the Individuals{end-texte}Abstract – All normal people wish to live in peace and happiness. The feeling of happiness and satisfaction subjectively experienced by individuals has been termed as psychological wellbeing (Okun and Stock, 1987). A few other terms like subjective wellbeing, mental health, life satisfaction, and quality of life have been used as synonyms of psychological wellbeing. (PWB). In recent years there has been global interest in the study of psychological wellbeing and quality of life. The paper describes about the psychological wellbeing of the individual through yogic techniques. It highlights the concepts and principles of yoga psychology based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to demonstrate how the yoga psychology presents holistic views about psychological wellbeing. It explains the psychotherapeutic, preventive and primitive aspects of yoga psychology with the ultimate aim of harmonizing human personality and transcending the self and consciousness. Referring to the cognitive models of chittavrittis, kleshas and to the salient features of the yogic method of looking within, the author has discussed the use of yogic techniques in the psychological well-being of mankind, and has called for more empirical studies on their applications in different fields with specific purposes.{end-tooltip} |
Divyesh D. Patel |
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{tooltip}A Study on the Impact of the Changes Due to the Irrigation System in the kakadi Amba dam and Chopdavav dam of Narmada District{end-texte}Abstract – The motive behind studying this subject is to know about the villages and members taking benefit of the Kakadi Amba and Chopdavav dam, to know about the irrigation system of the dam, to know about the changes in the quality and production of the grain due to the dam and to know about the changes in the education due to the dam. The researcher selected two dams of Narmada district and the beneficiary villages. The information is collected by preparing a questioner keeping an aim of the subject. After study the subject, it is said that, if the government provide this type of co operative irrigation system to all the farmers then the problems related to irrigation will be resolved.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Naresh C. Patel |