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{tooltip}Practical Application of Modern Portfolio Theory in Context to Asset Allocation by Investing in Negatively Correlated Assets Reduces Your Risk{end-texte}Abstract – CNX ENERGY represents the movement of the entire CNX ENERGY industry in India whereas the Auto index does the same for Auto industry in India. This combination of portfolio has been selected in line with the basic principle of economics of complementary goods, i.e. the reduction in prices of oil will boost automobile sales.{end-tooltip} |
Hiteksha S. Joshi |
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{tooltip}Human Development in India- Concept and Process{end-texte}Abstract – The concept of Development was born after Second World War, as a discipline of social sciences. In the beginning there were comparative studies among developed and developing countries. The western countries were considered as developed and third world countries were considered as developing countries. So we can say in the beginning development was comparative concept. Now the concept of development has been completely changed. All countries have agreed that economic growth, research and development in the field of science and technology, exploration of space all are means rather than ends. Human dignity, well-being of people, holistic development of human being is an end. The world has paid attention to human development during last few years. Human development must be the main goal of any country. Development must be rapid, inclusive and sustainable. Development must have human face. It is also equally true that any country should be developed without scarifying environment. {end-tooltip} |
Prof. Rina D. Joshi |
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{tooltip}Mental Health among Married Urban Women in Relation to type of Family{end-texte}Abstract – The aim of the present study is to focus on difference between joint and nuclear family of married urban women on mental health. The total random sample consisted of 30 are joint family and 30 are nuclear family married urban women were taken from difference areas of Mehsana city. The Revised Mental Health Analysis Questionnaire prepared by Dr. Ashwin Jansari, Dr. Harkant Badami and Dr. Charulata Badami was administered as a tool for the study. The’t’- Test was used to analyses the data. The interpretations of the results indicate that there was no significant mean difference between mental health of the married urban women in relation to type of family.{end-tooltip} |
Shruti A. Suthar |
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{tooltip}A Case Study on Economic Impacts of Water Resource Development for Irrigation in the Dang District{end-texte}Abstract – Planning commission (2003) has ranked the Dang number one among 447 districts of India as the most backward district. The Dang district had 94.6 % of tribal population (Census, 2011). Out of that 79% falls in the BPL category. In the Dang district mainly 13 tribes are there out of two third of the population consist of Bhils and Kokana. Along with this, there are Kotwalia, Kathodi and Kocha who are belongs to Primitive Tribe Group (PTG). The Dang receives an average annual rainfall 2491 mm (Annual rainfall from 1991 to 2012), highest 4613 mm and lowest 1431mm. The rainfall is spread over a period of about 120 days, from 15 June to 15 October.
Main source of irrigation is from well and group well, lift irrigation, mobile pump set and only 6% have flow irrigation. The Dang district Irrigated farmers had different source of income: Agriculture and other then agriculture: Total Net income from agriculture is 52% while from other source it was 48%. There is gross income of Rs. 86881 per household, out of that Rs. 44922 from agriculture, Rs.7059 from labour (migration). Almost 65% irrigated farmers had pada (Male Buffalo) for doing farming. They are very fond of television so 47% farmers had that. Only 12% farmers had bicycle due to undulating terrain. For traveling and transport 35% farmers had motor cycle, 6% had jeep and 6% had tractor. This is due to economic impact of irrigation.{end-tooltip} |
Umesh Desai et al. |
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{tooltip}Competence and Skill Development for Library and Informational Science Professionals{end-texte}Abstract – The concept of competence is evolved with increasing importance of human resource management during last six decades. It inevitable consider an important aspect of any professional working in ICT environment. The paper highlight its importance in library particularly in college library with its meaning and different types of competences required by LIS professionals. It also emphasizes on efforts made by various organizations in Gujarat for competences development among LIS professionals.{end-tooltip} |
Bharatbhai D. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}A Comparative study of Awareness towards Right to Education Act among B.Ed. trainees of Gandhinagar{end-texte}Abstract – In the present study researcher tried to find out the level of awareness among B.Ed. Trainees, who are future’s teachers of Gandhinagar city. Via this study the researcher wants to convey that if we much aware about RTE, then we lead ourselves and our society for their fruitful development and sustainable performances in the field of education.{end-tooltip} |
Shilpa A. Patel |
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{tooltip}Effect of Branding On Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Study in Relation to Fashion Industry{end-texte}Abstract – Customers all over the world now prefer branded products. This study is aimed at analyzing the effect of brand on consumer buying behavior. Along with finding the effect of brand on consumer buying behavior the purpose of the study is to have an in depth knowledge of what actually is branding and consumer behavior. To study the relationship between brand and consumer behavior the following methodology is opted: Consumer Survey on the effect of brands on their buying behavior through questionnaire. The key results of the study are: The degree brand of consciousness goes on decreasing in higher age groups; price & brand were the major attributes that customer’s gave most importance and 80% people believe that Brands in fashion industry have become a status symbol.{end-tooltip} |
Neyati Ahuja |
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{tooltip}To Study the Parents Attitude towards Medium of Education in Gandhinagar District{end-texte}Abstract – Frequently, parents of children are faced with a difficult question: what should be the medium of instruction for their children in education. Most of the parents who want to give a good educational base to their children prefer the private schools where the medium of instruction is English. Here researcher tried to find out parents attitude towards medium of education in Gandhinagar district.{end-tooltip} |
Manisha Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}Thematic Concerns of Kamala Das Poetry: The old Playhouse and other Poems{end-texte}Abstract – Kamala Das (1934-2009) is one of the members of the poetic trinity of Indo-Anglian poets, the other two being Nissim Ezekiel and Ramanujan. Her poetry is characterized by extreme sincerity and integrity; she speaks out of her love-longings, frustrations and disillusionments with a disarming frankness. She writes, it seems, for therapeutic purposes. It is a kind of psychological striptease that she enacts in her poetry. As she herself has put it “I must let my mind striptease, I must extrude autobiography. Her own self is at the very centre of the three anthologies of poetry that she has published upto date, as also at that of her prose-works. Of her prose-works, ‘My Story’, her autobiography, is most important of it throws considerable light on her poetry. It shows that in a male dominated world, she tried to assert her individuality, to maintain her feminine identity, and from this revolt arose all her troubles of psychological traumas and frustrations. A bird’s eye-view of her poetry would serve to clarify the point.{end-tooltip} |
K. Surya Chandra Rao |
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{tooltip}Corporate Social Responsibility: A Need and Challenges in Reference to India{end-texte}Abstract – With the development of Industries in India, economic development and growth has been witnessed expected in the country but there are various challenges that the country is facing at present and government all alone is not in a position to cope up with the situation. That’s why corporate sectors have been explained to contribute something for the betterment of the country as the government is also trying the same. Considering the importance of this concept, Corporate Social Responsibility is an emerging trend. Even company bill 2013 has also made it mandatory for all the corporate sector to contribute 2% of the last three years of their profit so that the betterment and upliftment of the economy can be faster and the progress can be termed in the real sense. The researcher in this paper has explained the growing importance of CSR in India, its impact of the economy and the challenges to convince and lead the all corporate sector towards fulfilling CSR voluntarily and more than expected norms designed by the government.{end-tooltip} |
Kalpesh Gandhi |
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{tooltip}‘Ratio Analysis’ An Accounting Technique of Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements{end-texte}Abstract – At the end of the year, every company presents two statements which are known as Financial Statements. These statements are Income Statements and Balance-Sheet. The main objective of any company is profitable growth of enterprise to maximize the wealth of its shareholders. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements help in determining the liquidity position, profitability, efficiency and long term solvency a firm. Ratio is an accounting technique to know the financial position of the business unit. Ratio analysis shows whether the company is improving or deteriorating in past years. Moreover, Comparison of different aspects of all the firms can be done effectively with this. It helps the clients to decide in which firm the risk is less or in which one they should invest so that maximum benefit can be earned. This paper discusses introduction, meaning and objectives of financial statements. It also discusses meaning and classification of ratios. At last, it presents various types of ratios and their uses.{end-tooltip} |
Idrish Allad |
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{tooltip}Non Performing Assets – Analysis of UCO Bank{end-texte}Abstract – Banking sector plays a vital role in the capital formation of the country but there are various hurdles in the continuous flow of progress of any commercial bank like risk management, efficiency and productivity in the functioning of bank, maintaining loan portfolio etc. but apart from these there is a big challenge for the better functioning of commercial bank that is about Non Performing Assets of the bank. To create loan is not a big deal for the bank but the recovery of these loans is an important concern for the commercial bank. This paper is indicating the non performing assets of the UCO bank for the period of 2009-10 to 2013-14. Here the detail study for the purpose of finding NPA’s of UCO bank is conducted with the detail statistics and suggestion to reduce the NPA’s of a particular bank.{end-tooltip} |
Sameer S. Manek |
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{tooltip}A Study about the Contribution of Modasa taluka in Arvalli District, especially for Gujarati Diasporas for the Development of Gujarat{end-texte}Abstract – The word „diaspora‟ originates from the Greek verb speiro, meaning “to sow” and the preposition dia, meaning “over”. The ancient Greeks used this word to mean migration and colonization. „Diaspora‟ is not an eaveryday English word, and many people may not understand its exact meaning. But, those who have studied religion, sociology, demography, history, political science, or economics would probably know its meaning.{end-tooltip} |
Vishal B. Patel et al. |
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{tooltip}Labour Rigidity – A hurdle to India’s Development{end-texte}Abstract – Labour is an important ingredient for the capitalist sector in their cost benefit analysis and for other decision-making. Recent studies indicate that labour cost contributes to 80% share in the total cost of any project for the capitalist sector. This makes the labour sector most important factor for the capital formation and for the growth of the entire economy. In the last 67 years Government of India undertook many product reforms but the factor market reforms are left untouched for example IDA 1947 is 67 year old act which is completely out of tune to the present requirement of the economy .This paper discusses the fallacies of the present labour laws and tries to suggest some measures to overcome labour rigidities.{end-tooltip} |
Reema Jain |
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{tooltip}Labour Reforms: A Pathway to Inclusive Development{end-texte}Abstract – Development requires smooth transition of surplus labour from the subsistence sector to the modern sector. This process of transition has been stagnated by the India’s rigid and decade old labour laws which are not consistent with the present requirements of the entrepreneurial class. Due to this undesired phenomenon the capital formation in India has stagnated during the last five years in the aftermath of the global financial crises .The need of the hour is the complete overhaul of the present rigid frame work of the labour market. This paper is an attempt to present and explain the deleterious effects of India’s rigid labour laws and to provide remedy for such effects.{end-tooltip} |
Rohit Sehrawat |
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{tooltip}International Monitering Arrangements for Human Rights{end-texte}Abstract – Human rights law is embedded in the broader field of international law, and therefore, in general, the rules for interpretation applicable under international law similarly apply to human rights treaties. In general, the principles of interpretation of international treaties contained in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) are considered to be the customary international law principles of treaty interpretation. However, the interpretation of human rights treaties requires that the specific characteristics of these treaties be taken into account.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Apurva Pathak |