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Title of Research Paper/Article |
Author |
e-Certificate |
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1 |
Legal Education in India: Opportunities and Challenges |
Dr. Rajesh S. Vyas |
2 |
Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior |
Dr. Nilesh B. Gajjar |
3 |
Library Automation and Online Services: Impact on Readers |
Sunitaben J. Chauhan |
4 |
A Comparative Study of the Mathematical Achievement Based on Action Oriented Competencies for the Students of Grade V and VI |
Prof. Komal Vyas |
5 |
Essential and Features of Indian English |
Parimal P. Gohil |
6 |
A Study of Biology teacher’s Opinion towards Curriculum of Biology Subject in Gujarat State |
Pradip Gagalani |
7 |
A Comparative Study of Textbook of Elements of Accountancy and Book Keeping of CBSE and GSEB Schools of Standard XI |
Prin. Chirag Panchal |
8 |
A Study about Human Rights Awareness of Teacher Educators and Student Teachers |
Jignesh J. Parmar |
9 |
Study of Literary Interest Inventory With Reference to Selected Variables |
Dinesh R. Patel |
10 |
Values of the High School Students of Ahmedabad District |
Mrs. Anjali A. Bait |
11 |
Effectiveness of Gujarati Language Proficiency Test for the Trainees of Primary Teacher Training Institute |
Dr. Shilpa K. Patel |
12 |
Application of Educational Technology in Non-Formal Education |
Prof. Rifat J. Quadiri |
13 |
Technology in the Classroom |
Prof. Bhavin H. Patel |
14 |
Learner Social Self-Concept and Academic Achievement |
Dr. K. S. Dedun |
15 |
A Study of Energy Awareness of the students of Standard 8th in Context of Some Variables |
Dr. Harsha R. Patel |
16 |
Planning for Library Automation of Academic Libraries |
Dr. Bhagubhai K. Chaudhari |
17 |
Use of E-Resources: A Study with Special Reference to S. K. Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar |
Mr. Dinesh H. Parmar and Dr. M. G. Patel |
18 |
Introduction to Educational Research |
Dr. Asha Chaudhary |
19 |
Gandhiji’s Thoughts and Rural Development |
Devasi M. Chandravadiya |
20 |
Ground Water from Bore Wells Water Quality Investigation in Balasinor Taluka, District: Kheda Gujarat State: Some Physico-Chemical Studies |
Pravin R. Mevada et al. |
21 |
The role of wall and ramparts in the defense of Agra Fort. |
(Mrs.) Vinita Yadav |
22 |
A Comparative Study of Mathematical Creativity of CBSE and UP Board students with reference to their Academic Climate |
Dr. Sunil Kumar &
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma |
23 |
Need of Environmental Conservation for Sustainable Development |
Sucheta Bhuyan |