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{tooltip}Remote Sensing and GIS Enabled Mapping of Urban Outgrowth and Changing Land Use Pattern of Jhajjar City{end-texte}Abstract – Land is finite and fixed in a place. But land use is subject to control by people whose numbers are not fixed and who have many needs and who move easily. To increase an area of one land use, one has to encroach upon another land use. Thus, land use/land cover changes to meet the variable demands of the land by the society in its new ways and condition of life. This type of change will enhanced the superimposition of manmade feature on the natural landscape. The demand for new uses of land may be inspired by a technological change or by a change in the size, composition and requirements of a community. Some changes are short-lived whereas others represent a constant demand. In recent years, human activities have been recognized to be the major force in bringing about changes in the land use pattern. Understanding these land use changes and the forces which compels man to bring these changes is crucial in understanding, modeling, predicting and managing the local, regional as well as global land use patterns. The fast rate of urban development has made many changes in the land use patterns around cities. The urbanisation and changing land use cover in peripheral area now days become hot debatable issue among the planner, urban scientist, geographer and other social scientist. Effects of growing urbanization are being felt in both developed and developing countries.{end-tooltip} |
Pawan Kumar et al. |
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{tooltip}Total Quality Management in Higher Education: The Need of the Hour{end-texte}Abstract – Today in the emerging global world, Total Quality Management is the key factor in any enterprise and education is not exclusion. When the world is turning into materialistic world with a competition to excel, quality becomes the prime factor in ensuring the output of qualitative results. Today, when TQM is applied to all the Managerial sector, corporate sector and Hospitality sector, Education sector becomes the prime area to insist, maintain and sustain quality education at all the spheres of education. It is very necessary that the quality of our higher education rise to higher status and greater heights. Only a few top higher educational institutions are regarded as the centers of excellent quality education like the IIMs, IITs, AIMS, BITS-PILANI etc. With the changing scenario of increasing number of private institutions, it becomes very essential to withstand our educational institutions with the mark of excellence in quality. In fact, TQM is practical and strategic approach of functioning an institution catering to the needs and requirements of the Students. It will prove to be a key factor in developing quality culture in our education system. The use of TQM principles starts in the classroom. The teachers should initiate a lead in establishing their mission. TQM is related with people, system and culture. For the efficient functioning of the TQM, quality steering committee should be established and a strong feedback loop for quality assurance should be arranged. This paper aims at presenting the necessity of TQM for ensuring and sustaining quality culture and values in education as education is the backbone of any nation. Education without quality will prove futile and meaningless. Only quality education can nurture, cultivate, create and shape future young generation of India to lead them in the global world.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Reji George |
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{tooltip}Impact of Institutional Environment on Entry Mode Choice: A Review of Literature{end-texte}Abstract – International entry mode selection is a crucial decision. This paper has the major purpose of reviewing the literature on the impact of institutional environment on the choice of entry mode in international business. By reviewing various studies, conclusions have been drawn. But the results were found to be very differing amongst the studies.{end-tooltip} |
Shilpa Garg |
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{tooltip}A Gender Based Study of Computer Education Awareness among Government Secondary School Teachers{end-texte}Abstract – In the present study the researchers have tried to compare the awareness of computer education amongst government secondary school male and female. This is a normative survey study based on simple random design. Total 140 teachers of science and arts faculty of different government schools of district Bijnor (U.P.) are selected as a sample for the present study. Out of which 70 teachers (35 male & 35 female) are of science faculty while another 70 teachers (35 male & 35 female) are of arts faculty. A Tool for teacher’s awareness towards Computer education constructed by researcher is used for obtaining the raw scores. The data, thus collected, is analyzed through t-test. The results related to this study show that male teachers of both science and arts faculty were found to have significantly more awareness towards computer education than female teachers of science and arts faculty.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. S. K. Joshi et al. |
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{tooltip}Impact & Reasons of Absentees in Secondary Schools of Uttar Pradesh{end-texte}Abstract – The major objectives of the present study were to analyse the magnitude of absenteeism among the government high school of Uttar Pradesh, India. No doubt, an attempt was made to address the phenomenon of absenteeism in government schools in the present context. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. For the analysis of data percentages were find out. By observation it has been observed that 68.8 % student randomly attend the school while 31.20% remains absent. When the observation has been made on the reason of absentees 16.2% remains absent due to sickness of student and 8.6 % remains absent due to sickness of their parents while 6.22 % student absent due to low income of their parents.Further, the students of government schools have better facilities than the students of private schools. All students of government schools have very big amount of facilities and pocket money and while 22.5 % students of private schools withdraw bunk out within the range of 6-10 lacks without completing their secondary education and remaining 8.5% also receive their degree after completing the course within the tight time deadline. Here some of the major causes of student’s absenteeism at secondary level:
- Students remain absent due to sickness.
- Students remain absent due to sickness of parents
- Student remains absent due to low economic status of his parents to help them to earn money for their livelihood.
- Educational backwardness of parents{end-tooltip}
Dr. Tirmal Singh |
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{tooltip}Collaborative Learning with Reference to Peer Learning{end-texte}Abstract – Group work, group project and collaborative learning encourage students to learn from other students as well as from the lecturer. Peer learning may involve cooperation, communication and the giving and receiving of peer Feedback in addition peer learning emphasises the sharing of knowledge and ideas between students in a reciprocal partnership however some educators ask individual students to formally assess each other within the context or a group project which may inhibit the very process of peer learning. This paper advocates the concept of learning oriented peer assessment strategies to enhance Student learning.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Janak L. Makwana |
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{tooltip}Aged: Problems & Prospect{end-texte}Abstract – The aged are the symbol of tradition, respect, wisdom and experience. They are considered to be the best source of social education, social service and social cohesion. Their experience and perspective ideas are invaluable assets for the development of the community. The elderly is a prize asset to the country and their health is an important component of the nation (Devi & Premkumari: 2000). Our ancient culture demands that the aged should be respected. In fact, the order of prevalence in India has been mother, father, teacher and god. Since time immemorial most traditional families in India cling fast to the belief that, while it is the duty of the parents to look after their children, it is equally incumbent upon the children to look after their dependent parents. However, the changes taking place in Indian society due to urbanization, industrialization and modernization have created problems for the aged in India (Moorthy: 2002). Aging is a biological process, experienced by the mankind in all times. However, concern for aging of population is a relatively new phenomenon, which has arisen due to significant by large increase in the number and proportion of aged persons in the society (Benerjee: 2002). This is the situation of population of the 70 million aged in India, mostly uncared, unnourished, unattended, not honoured and neglected. In India, the situation of population ageing has reached alarming properties. From 25.6 million in 1961 to number of those over sixty years is expected to touch 340 million in 2061. Between 1961 and 2061 while the total population would claim 5 times, the number of the elderly would show 13 times ( Rengasamy: 2002).{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Amit Bhowmick |
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{tooltip}Open Access Products: Issues and Challenges{end-texte}Abstract – This paper discussed about the issues and challenges of the Open Access Products and services. Further it also discussed the benefits of open access, open source, and open standards are numerous over the internet. The benefits include lower costs, great accessibility, and better prospects for longterm preservation of scholarly works It is an attempt to study the open access products over the internet and their services.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dipti Prajapati |
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{tooltip}Marketing Strategies of Samsung in India{end-texte}Abstract – This research paper covers the various marketing strategies of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd in India. Primary research was been carried out to understand and identify the mindset of people towards the company. Various factors ranging from the availability of Samsung products, ownership trends, differentiating feature in Samsung products were identified and analysed. The perception of consumers and the effect of the endorser have also been studied. All these factors and many more have been considered for understanding the market sha re of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd in India. The study gives important findings as to how the market standing of the Company has been consistently improving even though it has been involved in a few controversies.{end-tooltip} |
Priya Obhrai |