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{tooltip}Decentralization and Changing Scenario of Challenges in Urban Local Bodies Finance: An Experience from Rajasthan Cities{end-texte}Abstract – Decentralization means basically devolving powers and responsibilities to the local level government from the central or higher authority. The basic objective of decentralization is to empower the local urban government in terms of decision making on administration, functional and financial matter. Some autonomy has been enjoyed by urban local bodies even in pre Independence, but the real decentralization in India; basically started during post independence, but landmarked of urban local governance started from 74th Constitutional amendment, 1992 which introduced the system of a three tier local government in the federal structure of India through which the establishment of a local representative government, with granting constitutional status. Henceforth, it also defined the provision for administrative and financial abilities to deliver mandated services to its citizen with effective, accountable and deliverable governance. The amendment constitutionally established the provision for transfer the power and responsibilities for services to urban local bodies. Therefore, way is not so smooth, the Indian federal structure bound the centre to leave issues of their empowerment and operationalisation to the discretion of the state governments. Which leads to spatial disparity in terms of functional, financial reasonability and autonomy in the urban local governance?{end-tooltip} |
Surbhi Gaur |
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{tooltip}Green Marketing: Emerging and Imparative Issue{end-texte}Abstract – For the development of economy industrial revolution is also essential. Along with revolution various problems also arise. Pollution is the biggest problem ever faced by society caused by industry. It may happen that economic effects of industrial revolution affects present but it’s dangerous effects like global worming affects in future. So awareness is required towards this serious issue, some of the remedies are explained in the present paper through green marketing. In the present paper various topics are covered like green marketing characteristics, importance, marketing mix, strategy, challenges, suggestion etc.{end-tooltip} |
Kalpesh Gandhi |
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{tooltip}The Demands of Social Marketing{end-texte}Abstract – Social marketing is application of commercial marketing concepts, knowledge, and techniques to noncommercial ends for the society’s welfare.Authors view the growth of social marketing paralleling the formative years of a person. The field has had its infancy and adolescence and one could argue that it is just now entering early maturity. As, a field, social marketing grows it requires a deeper understanding of the subjects and the ways to reach them. It requires objective ways for successful social marketing. In this article we shall come across certain ways of structuring the field by applying the general marketing concepts to this one in particular. We shall study what this domain requires as it enters the maturity stage of its existence.{end-tooltip} |
Meghna Singh |
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{tooltip}Recent Trend of Corporate Sectors in India{end-texte}Abstract – Industrial development of any country plays an important role in determining the growth and development aspect of the country. In the present paper researcher has analysed the recent trends of corporate sectors in India. This paper presents the trends of Indian industry for the year 2013-14. In the present paper various sectors like mining, electricity, manufacturing etc has been covered together with capital good and other core sectors to analyse the growth of it in research period. Here, finding and objectives and the method of the study have also been mentioned.{end-tooltip} |
Sameer S. Manek |
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{tooltip}The Material Life{end-texte}Abstract – During field investigation not a single village was found which was exclusively inhabited by Kathodies. They generally live in multi caste mixed villages. Their settlements are generally located either on the outskirts or in a corner of the village. In some case they reside in a separate hamlet of their own group which is referried to by the name of the Kathodivas. In most of the villages Kathodies settlement are located on the outskirts of the village. The other tribal groups in the village feel superior to the Kathodies and keep minimum contact with them unless necessitated by circumstances because of living together in the village. This status differentiation can also be proved by the separate settlement of the Kathodies. The Kathodies on account of their abject poverty take their low status for Formerly the Kathodies chose their settlement in the forest to suit their convenience by selecting a spot that promised good hunting or tillage, and left it as convenience dictated. even to the present day, an epidemic or sickness occasionally force the people of a vadi to vacate it and settle elsewhere in the neighborhood. Their settlement is known as Katwadi. Every vadi has a headman called Naik who is the social head of the community and is assisted by a Karbhari or Prardhan . Kathodies settlements are usually situated either on the forest land or wastlend of the village. In Vijaynager taluka their settlement are found on the fringe of a forest. Sometime they select a site near a rivulet or a river. Those having land, secured after working for a long term with the landlord raise their homestead in the field itself, and prefer to stay in the village itself. Kathodies families who migrate to forest coupe or outside the region raise a temporary hut and dismantle it when the work is over. The families return to their original home. It needs to be stressed here that maintain ties with their paternal village. But as most of them do not own their houses, they are a time expelled by other communities.{end-tooltip} |
Sagar M. Desai |
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{tooltip}A Study of Non-Performing Assets in Some Selected Private Sector Banks in India{end-texte}Abstract – When the funds lent by the bank become doubtful or irrecoverable, it is termed as non-performing
assets (NPAs). Banks are required to make provisions for such NPAs. RBI has issued guidelines for
the provision for NPAs. NPAs are considered as an important measuring rod to judge the
performance and financial health of banks. The level of NPAs is one of the drivers of financial
stability and growth of the banking sector. It was observed that the NPA affects the banks on micro
and macro level. {end-tooltip} |
Falguni J. Pandit |
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{tooltip}Skills and Strategies for Developing Reading Comprehension{end-texte}Abstract – This research article on “Skills and Strategies for Developing Reading Comprehension” aims to present the skills and strategies for developing reading comprehension for the learners of English as a second language (ESL). There are two types of comprehension – reading and listening. Both the comprehension skills require the skill of understanding the text. I have discussed reading comprehension.{end-tooltip} |
Bhavesh C. Borisagar |
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{tooltip}Investment Alternatives{end-texte}Abstract – The problem of surplus gives rise to the question of where to invest. In the past ,investment avenue were limited to real assets, schemes of the post office and banks. At present a wide variety of investment avenues are open to the investor to suit their needs and nature. An alternative investment is an investment in asset classes other than stocks, bonds, and cash. The term is a relatively loose one and includes tangible such as precious metals,[1] art, wine, antiques, coins, or stamps[2] and some financial assets such as a Fund, commodities, private equity, distressed securities, hedge funds, carbon credits,[3] venture capital, film production[4] and financial derivatives. Investments in real estate and forestry[5] are also often termed alternative despite the ancient use of such real assets to enhance and preserve wealth. Alternative investments are to be contrasted with traditional investments.
The name “alternative investments” suggests new and obscure investments, however alternative investments have existed and been established for decades. In this subject there are many types of investment in their. There are traditional and alternative investments in this. This study focus on the goal of the investment alternative.{end-tooltip} |
Pro.Sonal Jariwala |
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{tooltip}Analysis of Performance Criteria Indian Banking{end-texte}Abstract – The purpose of the study was to understand the extent of relationship between banking financial position in Indian economy. Now a day banking sector is playing vital role in Indian economy. but some parameter is decided for to check different method camel is one of the more popular model of compare to banks financial position . in this model use different kind of ratio which is direct effect on bank outcome. We can take decision for trying to get best result of bank. Here we have to find out ratio and given the rank through bank performance ratio. Today banking sector have facing NPA problem and this is major impact on bank performance and annual result.{end-tooltip} |
Dhaval S. Desai |
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{tooltip}Women Director: A move towards Woman Empowerment in Corporate world{end-texte}Abstract – The Indian Society has always been male dominated from its very inception. Women were always seen as lower to men. But now the time has changed. Various laws are formed for providing security and special status to women in our Indian Society. Government has also been providing tax exemptions from many years to women. Some provisions of law exist only for the betterment of women in the society. Here we can say that Companies Act, 2013 by second proviso to section 149(1) which is providing for the appointment of the women director is an effort for empowerment of the women in India. The present paper focuses on the issue of representation of women director on the board and its effect.{end-tooltip} |
Ruchita Dang Et Al. |