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{tooltip}Corporate Governance in Indian IT sector{end-texte}Abstract – Corporate governance in relation to a company is defined as the various policies adopted by the Board of Directors or by those who are in real control of companies to govern its matter or to give a direction to the organization. Corporate governance issues may arise in any type of industry or ant form of business organization though India has recently seen the biggest corporate scandal ever in the history of its corporate culture-the demise of Satyam Computers Software Limited. Indian IT sector is one of the most prominent sectors of the country not only from the point of view of its size & momentum but also from world prospective The term paper, therefore, gives an insight of as to what corporate governance is all about with a reference to Indian IT Sector wherein five IT companies are chosen viz. TCS, HCL, WIPRO, INFOSYS, and TECH-MAHINDRA. A study of these five companies will help us determine the strength of governance in Indian IT sector.{end-tooltip} |
Nishant Sharma et al. |
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{tooltip}Leadership Behaviors of Secondary Student-Teacher{end-texte}Abstract – In this study, 271 joint family and nuclear family student-teacher, (male=122, female=149) were surveyed regarding their views of effective leadership behaviors. Data were collected through use of the Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire of the 11 leadership domains assessed through use of this measure, statistically significant differences were yielded on 11 leadership areas. This was developed by Prof. K.S.Likhia. For solve the problem use descriptive survey research method. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and parametric t-test. Dimension of leadership behavior, tolerance freedom was most highly selected leadership. There is significant difference between joint family and nuclear family secondary student on their leadership behavior and dimension of leadership behavior (Representation, Demand reconciliation, Initiating structure, Role assumption, Consideration, Integration and Superior orientation) other remaining dimension of leadership behavior (tolerance of uncertainty, Persuasiveness, Tolerance of freedom and Predictive accuracy) had no significant difference.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Paresh B. Acharya |
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{tooltip}Study of Occupational Stress on Government & Private Bank Managers{end-texte}Abstract – ‘Stress’ is body’ s reaction to any demand whether the cause of stress is a physical danger, a family crisis, emotional stress such as a fight with a beloved one or the boss, preparation for examination or interview or a new and demanding assignment at the office. Self-control system is the backbone of stress physiology.Stress affects the mind, body and behavior in many ways and every one experiences stress differently, there sign and symptoms that you may notice when you are experiencing stress. There sign and symptoms fall into four categories: Feelings, thoughts, Behavior and Physiology: The stress relating to job have become predominate feature of modern life, exerting for reading effects as off the job. Occupational stress is an increasingly important in health problem and a significant cause of economic cuss. Occupational stress may produce both overt psychological and physiologic disabilities. Stress has harmful physiological and physiological effects on employees. Stress in a major cause of employee turnover and absenteeism. Stress experienced by one employee can affect the safety of other employee. By controlling stress, individual and organization can be managed more effectively. Increased competition due to the entrance of more private corporate sector bank, introductions of new technologies etc. there changes. The employee in the banking sector is experiencing a high level of stress.{end-tooltip} |
Sunil Gupta |
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{tooltip}Academic Anxiety of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Parental Encouragement{end-texte}Abstract – The present study was undertaken to study the relationship between academic anxiety of secondary school students and their parental encouragement. A total sample of 120 X grade students were selected through stratified sampling technique according to gender and type of school from 12 secondary schools for the present study. For the collection of data the investigator used Academic Anxiety Scale for Children by A. K. Singh and A. Sengupta (1998) and Parental Encouragement Scale by Kusum Aggarwal (1998). The results of the study showed that academic stress was significantly and negatively correlated with parental encouragement. No significant difference was found between academic anxiety of male and female secondary school students. A significant difference was found between academic anxiety of govt. and private secondary school teachers.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Gourav Mahajan |
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{tooltip}Social Networking Websites for Library Services{end-texte}Abstract – Technology is spreading into the field of library. Social networking is a service provided on web which facilitate creation of a public profile, addition of users with whom to share connection, viewing and crossing of the connection within system. This article attempts to explain various types of social networking websites with their use in the library .It also discuss benefits and disadvantages of social networking sites.{end-tooltip} |
Meghavi M. Brahmbhatt |
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{tooltip}Flammability and Its Influencing Factors{end-texte}Abstract – The purpose of the study is to explore the effects of household fabric softeners on the thermal comfort and flammability of fabrics after repeated laundering cycles. Household fabric softeners are applied to textile products when people do home laundering with detergents and dryers by coating the laundry with lubricant and humectant chemicals (Consumer Reports, 1991; Robinson, et al., 1994). The study results could complement the gap in fully understanding of the effects of household fabric softeners on fabric properties. The influence of softener treatments on water vapor transmission, air permeability, and flammability of the fabrics may provide knowledge for consumers to make an informed choice of how to care for their textile products. Manufacturers may also use the results from the study to provide better care instruction for their textile products. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Personal Computer (SPSS/PC) program was used to analyze the data. This finding can help consumers to make a better decision when choosing softener treatment if they are concerned about the air permeability of their clothing. For example, if consumers prefer very high air permeability of their sportswear or summer clothes, avoiding using fabric softener is a better choice because both the rinse cycle softener and the dryer sheet softener will decrease the air permeability of their garments. In addition, prior studies indicated that dryer sheet softeners are the best in the improvement of static electricity. If consumers would like to have a softer hand or reduce the static problem in their sportswear, dryer sheet softeners may be a better choice instead of rinse cycle softeners.{end-tooltip} |
Dharmendra B. Patel |
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{tooltip}Synthesis involving metals by Metallation at Specific Position{end-texte}Abstract – Biogenetic definitions of the aromatic polyketides are due to the work of Birch (1951), by whom a detailed theoretical analysis of carbon skeletons and oxygenation patterns of known compounds was first combined with an extensive series of tracer incorporat ketide chain in metabolites derived from poly–ketide precursors, normally proceeds by condensation of terminal unit of acetyl Co-enzyme A with chain building units of malonyl Co-enzyme A.More than thirty years elapsed, still increasing number of new isocoumarins has been found in nature exhibiting a wide structural diversity in their natural source and biosynthetic pathways. These findings are a constant stimulant for synthetic work, which have been undertaken either to confirm novel structures or to provide substantial amounts of material for biological and pharmaceutical studies in those cases in which an isocoumarin exhibiting interesting properties or was suspected of being responsible for the significant properties associated with its natural source. In view of biological activity of isocoumarin and 3,4-dihydroisocoumarin, it was planned to synthesize some of outlined compounds. The work is divided in two groups, Naturally occurring isocoumarin and Non naturally occurring isocoumarins and 3,4-dihydroisocoumarins. Experimental design will be carried out for Synthesis, characterization and therapeutic evaluation of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen containing novel hetro cycles and their antimicrobial activities will be carried out with reference to (i) Synthesis of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen containing novel Hetrocycles (ii) Characterization of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen containing novel Hetrocycles and (iii) Therapeutic evaluation of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen containing novel Hetrocycles. Data Analysis and Interpretation of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen containing novel hetrocycles will be carried out in two following part (1) Spectroscopy (2) Antiviral and Antibacterial activities. Spectoscopy will be carried out by the Ultraviolet spectroscopy, Infrared spectroscopyand NMR and mass spectrometryas well as antimicrobial activities.{end-tooltip} |
Vishal Patel |
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{tooltip}Similarities and dissimilarities of Female Characters in the Major Novels of R. P. Jhabvala and Kamala Markandaya{end-texte}Abstract – The article named Similarities and dissimilarities of Female characters In The Major Novels of R.P. Jhabvala and Kamala Markandaya mainly studies. The woman of Jhabvala and Markandaya stand for the East-West encounter, confrontation between modernity and tradition, marital discord, moral degradation, rootlessness, autonomy, liberalization, identity crisis, domestic problems of family etc.The women characters either from the east or from the west of Jhabvala and Markandaya studied in the research paper share the common characteristics like courage, tolerance, forbearance, compassion and strong will power to face life’s trials and complexities.{end-tooltip} |
Nareshkumar J. Parmar |
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{tooltip}Effect of Medium Intensity Resistance Training on Anthropometric Measures of Female Students{end-texte}Abstract – The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of medium intensity resistance training on anthropometric measures of female students. Twenty four female under graduate students studying in the B.N.C.P.E., Udaipur, Rajasthan were randomly selected as subjects and their age ranged from 17 to 20 years. The selected subjects were randomly assigned into two equal groups namely experimental (N=12) which underwent medium intensity resistance training for 12 weeks with 3 sessions per week and control group (N=12) which did not undergo any special training. Thigh girth, calf girth and upper arm girth were selected as criterion variables for this study. The subjects were tested for thigh girth, calf girth and upper arm girth prior to and after training programme. The obtained data were statistically assessed for any significant difference using analysis of co variance (ANCOVA). The results showed that there were no significant improvement on thigh girth (52.30 ±2.19 Vs 51.12 ± 1.45 P e” 0.05) and calf girth (34.32 ± 2.01 Vs 33.22 ± 2.17, Pe”0.05) and there was a significant improvement in upper arm girth (32.40 ± 1.36 Vs 28.89 ± 1.68, Pd” 0.05) between the experimental group and control group.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Hiteshchandra C. Rawal |
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{tooltip}Renewable Energy in India{end-texte}Abstract – Energy is considered to be one of the most important elements for the development. An energy deficit village cannot flourish and will always lag behind. India is a energy deficit country. Thus renewable energy places a important role in providing energy to thousands of villages whose days start with the sunrise and ends with sunset. This paper attempts to explain that how solar, wind, hydro and biomass energy can help to make India energy sufficient and the huge potential it has to generate all sources of renewable energy .Although a large section of population has started exploiting these non conventional sources of energy but still a lot has to done in making it economical, reachable and more awareness need to be spread. The dual advantage of renewable sources makes them more attractive. Along with helping to reduce the energy deficit, it also enables sustainable development being a clean source of energy. {end-tooltip} |
Reema Jain |
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{tooltip}Study of Indian Livestock Insurance Sector{end-texte}Abstract – Livestock contribute towards the livelihood of the poor by supporting subsistence consumption at household level. It is an integral part of the livelihood of India’s rural population. As the critical mechanism to cope with crop failure, it helps generate assets and bolsters the financial security of rural Indian farmers, many of whom are among the poorest people in the country. The intensive rearing of livestock led to higher incidences of diseases and involvement of high feed cost due to stallfed system. Raising cattle, sheep or poultry is a risky business – especially if you do not own a herd or flock but only one or a few animals. The biggest risk is disease. Insurance as the key risk transfer must adapt to the coming reality of more commercial farming in India. The Government of India provides insurance against income losses of vulnerable sections arising out of four major reasons such as crop failure, sudden death of family member, unforeseen health expenditure and unexpected death of cattle. This paper intends to identify various schemes and arrangements for the Livestock Insurance in India. It also narrates the financial structure and availability of livestock insurance in Indian context. The last portion narrates the policy recommendations for the development of this sector.{end-tooltip} |
Jignesh K. Barot |