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{tooltip}Electronic Resource Sharing in Academic Libraries{end-texte}Abstract – Resource sharing is the mainstay of customer satisfaction. Libraries survive through the support of satisfied customers. Always a too often talked about cooperation does not lead to action. The fiscal concerns outline the rethinking priorities towards planning, cooperative collection development, and evaluating the efficiency. The issues and strategies discussed in this paper call attention from fellow librarians to convince management and get their fullest cooperation for collaborative venture.{end-tooltip} |
Mahesh R. Solanki |
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{tooltip}White-Collar Crime in India{end-texte}Abstract – hite-collar crimes account for enough violations of law. By comparison, the instances of whitecollar crimes are more then the conventional type of crimes such as theft, burglary, and arson. The loss incurred through white-collar crimes is far higher then that of the conventional type. In the American Context, it has been estimated that losses from such crime may be as high as 200 billion dollars every year. In India also such type of crimes are inrease.’ In this article I endeavored to address the intricacies involved in white-collar crimes. My analysis of White-collar crime will differentiate between individuals who steal, defraud and cheat in and out of an occupational context and those who commit the variety of offences attributed to business corporations. I will also be analyzing the corporate crimes and corporate criminal liability and the discrepancies, which flow along with it.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Minal H. Upadhyay |
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{tooltip}Education and Domestic Violence: A Woman Security Perspective{end-texte}Abstract – The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 enacted by Parliament in the fifty-sixth year of the Republic of India. It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The Act states that “domestic relationship” means a relationship between two persons who live or have, at any point of time, lived together in a shared household, when they are related by consanguinity, marriage, or through a relationship in the nature of marriage, adoption or are family members living together as a joint family. Under such relationship domestic violence constitutes an attempt to harm or injure or endanger the health, safety, life, limb or well-being, whether mental or physical, of the aggrieved person or tends to do so and includes causing physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse and economic abuse.{end-tooltip} |
Rajni Kumari |
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{tooltip}A Study of the Skills of the Students Related to the Chemistry Laboratory of Higher Secondary School{end-texte}Abstract – Generally it is seen that the students have negative attitude towards Chemistry laboratory and experiments. Moreover, there is risk in working in chemistry lab. The development of quality working skills and safety skills develops positive attitude towards the study of Chemistry and it becomes useful for developing scientific viewpoint. In the present research paper the important skills which are necessary for students in chemistry lab have been discussed.
- Drawing skills
- Manipulative and Procedural Skills
- Observational Skills
- Cleaning and Safety Skills
- Reporting and interpretative Skills
The necessary skills of chemistry lab can be categorized in five types. The full fledged development of these skills leads the students at the heights of science education. Thus, for qualitative development of these skills proper teaching methods and evaluation methods for measurement become inevitable.{end-tooltip} |
Bipinkumar G. Patel |
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{tooltip}Five Factor Personality Model of Leadership{end-texte}Abstract – How well do we understand basic personality differences among the people at workplace? Understanding personality structures and their dynamics is helpful for personal professional development as well as to cultivate relationships with your associates. Read this article to gain an understanding of the basics of personality and five factor personality model of leadership.{end-tooltip} |
Vipul B. Patel |
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{tooltip}Financing Reproductive Healthcare and its Impact on Economic Development of India{end-texte}Abstract – Poor reproductive health outcomes such as early pregnancies, unintended pregnancies, excess fertility (when actual births exceed desired fertility) and poorly managed obstetric complications would have negative effects on overall health and development of the country. (Wardlaw, 2004). Present situation of reproductive healthcare in India can be evaluated by some important reproductive health indicators like Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate (CDR), and Life Expectancy Rate. These rates are often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country. To start with the discussion we first through the light on the broad view of present demographic and reproductive healthcare status of India. Via this study paper the author wants to highlight/point out the impact of the Financing Reproductive Healthcare on the Economic Development of India.{end-tooltip} |
Rachna Mathur |
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{tooltip}Art Based Therapy in Special Education{end-texte}Abstract – Special Children are those children who have been determined to require special attention and specific necessities that other children do not. Special education is the education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students’ individual differences and needs. Recently it has been found that there has been a great increase in the number of special children. There are several therapies used for the treatment of the special children and one of them is Art therapy. Art therapy is the therapeutic use of art making, within a professional relationship, by people who experience illness, trauma or challenges in living, and by people who seek personal development. Through creating art and reflecting on the art products and processes, people can increase awareness of self and others cope with symptoms, stress and traumatic experiences; enhance cognitive abilities; and enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of making art. Art therapy, no matter what type of disability a child has, was found to be an effective tool to incorporate in a program. The artwork of children under art therapy has found to increase in detail throughout the duration of the program, suggesting that the child’s individual abilities are increasing and providing ways for a child to cope with their disability. Special Education involves many students, as well as those who are placed into it even after being under general education for years. It can be inferred that something lacks within these children and the use of focused attention and creativity involved with art therapy can increase the possibility of long-term success in life. Building communication skills, self-awareness, balancing emotions and ego strengths has also been found in children who were under art therapy.{end-tooltip} |
Hitesh Patel |
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{tooltip}Understanding Past through Gender Perspective{end-texte}Abstract – India’s social and cultural fabric embodies within it a body of thought that seeks to formulate a peculiar social and cultural order, which not only nurtures gender hierarchy but also fortifies it by socially conditioning women to reconcile to such subordination. The whole structure is devised in a manner that it sanctions male dominance over women. Powerful instruments of religious and legal sanctions back the authority of men to dominate them. Therefore, for effective comprehension of true nature and character of evolutionary process of formulation of various social structures and institutions, it becomes imperative to identify such forces at work at various points of time.{end-tooltip} |
Prerna Gautam |
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{tooltip}Oxadiazole Core as a Good Drug Candidate and Its Synthetic Methods{end-texte}Abstract – 1,3,4-Oxadiazole is a heterocyclic molecule with oxygen atom at 1 and two nitrogen atoms at 3 and 4 position. They have been known for about 80 years, it is only in the last decade that investigations in this field have been intensified. This is because of large number of applications of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles in the most diverse areas. It also contains broad range of therapeutic activity. In this article biological importance of oxadiazole and its synthetic methods have been discussed thoroughly.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jignesh Lunagariya et al. |
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{tooltip}A Comparative Study of Job Stress of Government and Private Employees{end-texte}Abstract – Stress at work place is a crucial matter in present world. The nature of work has gone through drastic changes over the last century and it still changing at whirlwind speed. They have touched almost all professions job stress may be caused by a complex set of reasons. Like nature of job insecurity, high demand for performance work place culture, technological changes, personal and family problems etc so the purpose of this research is to investigate some factors affecting the job stress of the respective employees. Respective scientific two hypotheses framed regarding type of job and experience. Hypotheses were converted in to their null form to verify them A random sample of 60 (30government employees and 30 non-government employees) in Surendranagar city Along with respective personal data sheet and job stress scale developed by A. K. Srivastav and A. P. Singh use from data collection. Data was analyzed by‘t’ test verify the hypothesis. The result show that private employees are more job stress than that of the government employees, but there was no significant different found between the experiences of job employees.{end-tooltip} |
Rajubhai M. Rana |
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{tooltip}A Study of Professional Work Commitment of Teacher Trainee of B.Ed. College{end-texte}Abstract – The teachers in India constitute one of the third largest service sectors. Teacher education is no longer a training progression but an education line of attack for enabling teachers to teach and apprehension for their welfare. NCTE (1988) has pointed out that teacher education programme shall focal point on competencies and commitment in much greater importance. It calls for bringing out a revolution in teacher preparation strategies. This large work force needs to appropriate training and orientation. Presently, India is having a large number of institutions for teacher education. More than 2,500 elementary teacher education institutions, colleges of teacher education and departments of education are engaged with number of students in teacher training. According to NCERT and university course there are varieties types of learning experience give to the teacher trainee at college level in peer group by teacher educator during the teacher education preparation.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nileshkumar B. Gajjar |
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{tooltip}The Role of Teacher Educator{end-texte}Abstract – The teacher Educator is the center of teacher education programe and also an important element of education system. Let’s think some habits and good qualities of teacher educator. Teacher educators Serve as informed, constructive advocates for high quality education for all students. An innovative role of teacher educator is necessity for contemporary teacher education program.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dipti B. Kundal |
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{tooltip}Knowledge Management in the 21st Century{end-texte}Abstract – The development of knowledge management in 21st century has become the key concern for librarians and libraries. This paper will review the development of knowledge management and will compare the differences between information and knowledge as well as between information management and knowledge management. It will also examine the role of librarians/libraries in knowledge management and suggests that librarians/libraries in the digital and knowledge age should be in charge of knowledge management in their respective organizations in order to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge creation.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dipti N. Soni |