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{tooltip}A Comparative Study on Management of Academic Libraries of Gujarat University Academic Libraries With Reference to Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University Academic Libraries{end-texte}Abstract – This study sought to compare management of academic libraries in Gujarat University Academic Libraries and Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University Academic Libraries. A sample of 57 college librarian was randomly selected for the study. Instrument of data collection was a 50 item questionnaire. The college librarians have to play multiple roles for functioning and smooth running of library. How the college librarians working in the affiliated colleges of GU & HNGU manage the problems arising due to management usage is studied and find out the problems among them. I find some lack of support and resources from top management or library authorities, implementation without planning, lack of thinking about self-supporting approach, lack of technology transfer, and incomplete exploration of available options for management and its assessment, lack of requisite level of management skills in library personnel, lack of basic knowledge and insufficient manpower are the main causes in this article.{end-tooltip} |
Hiren A. Solanki |
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{tooltip}E-Learning: Concept, Features and it’s Types{end-texte}Abstract – E-learning is basically the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. It includes the electronic applications and processes applied to teaching and learning. E-learning applications may include web-based learning, computer based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. The paper highlights the various steps required to be undertaken by an institution to venture into e-learning, especially in the context of a professional discipline like library and information science which has gained immense popularity in recent times. The present boon of Elearning has its own very special impact on education.{end-tooltip} |
Chetan S. Patel |
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{tooltip}Electronic Resource Management in Libraries{end-texte}Abstract – E-resources represent an increasingly important component of the collection-building activities of libraries. “Electronic resources” refer to those materials that require computer access, whether through a personal computer, mainframe, or handheld mobile device. They may either be accessed remotely via the Internet or locally. As libraries dramatically increased their numbers of licensed electronic resources in the 1990s, such as online journals and databases, they realized the need for a recordkeeping system that would help manage the details of acquiring and maintaining them. As the idea of locally designed and built electronic resource management systems became more accepted, academic institutions began to seek assistance outside their universities to build their own systems. The author advocates provide one-stop shopping for the full range of journal literature available and of interest to library patrons. {end-tooltip} |
Ms. Dipti Prajapati |
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{tooltip}Self Instructional Module of Breathing Exercises for Post Operative Patient{end-texte}Abstract – Deep breathing works both to prevent harmful reactions to stress & to help relieve them. If patient practice deep breathing for a few minutes each day, patient will find that events do not upset as much as before. Also whenever patient fill upset taking few slow deep breath can help break tress cycle. Even when patient cannot control the situation, patient can always control his or her breathing & thus change reaction to those circumstances. After surgery, your breathing may not be as deep as usual. You may not be able to cough well. This makes it harder for you to get rid of mucus. When mucus stays in your lungs, it can cause breathing problems. Coughing and deep breathing exercises will help your lungs get rid of mucus.{end-tooltip} |
Mrs. Daxaben P. Patel |
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{tooltip}Pastoral as Apocalypses of Toni Morrison’s Beloved{end-texte}Abstract – Violence and trauma notify much literature about the lives of Afro-Americans during and even after slavery. The terrible losses during the crossing from the South to the North, the everyday loss of life on the slave plantations and the distressing losses sustained through the psychological and physical brutality of slavery all causes emotional pain in the lives of slaves, a pain so agonizing that no amount of grieving or lamentation will ever be enough to work through. The more the slaves tried to ignore this horrible past, the more they lost their sense of self, which made it very difficult for them to plan a future even after getting out of into freedom. The plantations in the South were a cultivated pastoral setting which was carried out the narratives of slave dehumanization and apocalypse. The development of an apocalyptic tradition within the Afro-American literature, Morrison as a wellknown writer deals with these apocalypses in her novel Beloved. The aim of the paper is not only to authenticate the assertion that there is an apocalypticism in the Afro-American tradition as an effort to rewrite American history for black perspective but also to show how Beloved has employed the images creating an alternative to black fictional discourse.{end-tooltip} |
Poonam Punia |
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{tooltip}Kanthapura: A Study{end-texte}Abstract – Indo-Anglian Literature comprises the work of Indian writers in English. The contribution of Indian writers in English is known as ‘Indo-Anglian Literature.There is also the literature created by English men making India the theme of their subjects and it is known as Anglo-Indian Literature. The Gandhian age(1920-1947) is one of the important periods in the History of Indian Writing in English. The Indian English Fiction of the 1930s is influenced by the Gandhian age. During this time, we see the appearance of the three great novelists- Mulk Raj Anand,R.K.Narayan and Raja Rao.Raja Rao’s Kanthapura is a famous political novel describing the impact of Gandhian satyagraha movement and ideals on the simple villagers of Kanthapura.Moorthy is the protagonist of the novel. {end-tooltip} |
Dr. Manish R. Raval |
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{tooltip}A Study of Mental Health of Student in Relation to their Residence Place and Gender{end-texte}Abstract – Mental health is as more important than physical health in this challenging world. An attempt has been made to measure mental health of students in reference to their residence place and gender. The sample consisted of 200 high school students of Navsari district. Mental Health Inventory developed by D. J. Bhatt and G. R. Gida (2006) was used to assess mental health of sample. The result indicates that there is no significant difference in mental health of in reference to their gender and residence place.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dharmvir M. Gurjar |
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{tooltip}Empowerment of Women in India and Cultural Globalization in the Context of Indian Economy{end-texte}Abstract – The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world including India since last few decades. Many agencies of United Nations in their reports have emphasized that gender issue is to be given utmost priority. It is held that women now cannot be asked to wait for any more for equality. Via this article; the researcher wants to convey that the women empowerment in the global context of India & its Economy.{end-tooltip} |
Amita P. Acharya |