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{tooltip}Work Life Balance; Prioritizing between “Work” and “Lifestyle”{end-texte}Abstract – Life is the result of all actions taken by choice over the course of time while fulfilling one’s purpose in life. Stress forces us to deviate from normal functioning. Work life balance means healthy and satisfying lives both personally and professionally. It has gained increasing prominence in recent years and working hours emerge as one the issues of great concern.
This paper helps is to understand the concept of work life balance and see whether a company employees get necessary conditions to achieve such balance in their lives.{end-tooltip} |
Ms. Rupal Arora et al. |
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{tooltip}Facebook: An Online Environment for Learning Science in Class 9th{end-texte}Abstract – Presently Facebook site is one of the most popular sites among the students. In this study researcher introduced the Facebook site with traditional teaching in education. Researcher consider Facebook site as a useful learning environment which enhance the interest of the 9th class students. Objective of the study is to develop learning material using Facebook pages for teaching science to students of class IX CBSE and study its effectiveness in terms of achievement of students. In the investigation it was found that the 9th class students of C.B.S.E Board performed well in science subject after learning through Facebook site as an additional learning tool with traditional teaching. To facilitate the learning of science among the students, the Facebook can be utilized as an online environment. Researcher presents here the result of 100 users of Facebook who are studying in 9th standard of C.B.S.E Board. The result shows, that 9th class Students, who are active users of Facebook, have performed well in science subject. Furthermore, through Facebook’s as an additional learning tool can be accessed from anywhere and students can learn anytime. Teachers have to utilize Facebook as a tool with conventional teaching method to obtained maximum potential of students.{end-tooltip} |
Vandana Singh |
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{tooltip}Application of Graph Theory to find Optical Paths between two Nodes{end-texte}Abstract – Graph theory is used for finding communities in networks. Graphs are used as device for modeling and description of real world network systems such are: transport, water, electricity, internet, work operations schemes in the process of production, construction, etc. Although the content of these schemes differ among themselves, but they have also common features and reflect certain items that are in the relation between each other. So in the scheme of transport network might be considered manufacturing centers, and roads and rail links connected directly to those centers. In this paper is designed the solution for an practical problem to find a Minimum Spanning Tree by using Kruskal algorithm and graph search Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest path between two points, Also, for this case was developed a network model of the transportation problem which is analyzed in detail to minimize shipment costs.{end-tooltip} |
Tushar Bhatt |
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{tooltip}A Comparison of Different Methods of Sire Evaluation for Production and Reproduction Traits of Murrah Graded Buffaloes{end-texte}Abstract – First lactation monthly test day records of 2329 buffaloes sired by 79 sires distributed in 47 villages under field progeny testing programme in Anand milk shed were used to evaluate sires for age at first calving (AFC), first lactation predicted milk yield (FLY305) and milk fat percent (fat%) traits. The objective of the study was to estimate the sire breeding value and to compare various methods of sire evaluation viz. simple daughter’s average (D) , contemporary comparison (CC), least squares (LS), best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) and average information restricted maximum likelihood (AIREML) in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Heritability estimates by Least Square –Analysis of Variance (LS-ANOVA) method were 0.252 ± 0.044, 0.065 ± 0.032and 0.073 ± 0.035, respectively for AFC, FMY305 and Fat%. The genetic correlation of AFC with FLY305 and Fat% were -0.782 ± 0.192 and -0.451, respectively while the same between FLY305 and fat percent was 1.044 ± 0.39. The phenotypic correlations of FLY305 with Fat % and AFC were -0.042 and 0.109, respectively while same between Fat % and AFC was -0.099. For AFC, the AIREML had the lowest error variance than LS and BLUP, thus was the most efficient method. For FMY305 and Fat%, the BLUP was found to have lowest error variance and therefore, was the most efficient method. The relative accuracies in terms of rank correlations of D, CC, LS and BLUP methods with most efficient AIREML method were 0.35, 0.90, 0.37 and 0.97, respectively for AFC. For FLY305, the value of rank correlations of D, CC, LS and AIREML with most efficient BLUP method were 0.71, 0.71, 0.72 and 0.98, respectively. The values of rank correlations of D, CC, LS and AIREML with most efficient BLUP method were 0.89, 0.89, 0.95 and 0.99, respectively and these estimates of rank correlation were highly significant (P < 0.01).{end-tooltip} |
P. N. Chaudhari et al. |
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{tooltip}Abolition of Untouchability and Abolition of Titles: An Indian Perspective{end-texte}Abstract – Right to equality is an element of the concept of Rule of law and Article 17 of the Constitution abolishes the practice of untouchability categorically. Practice of untouchability is an offence and anyone doing so is punishable by law. The Untouchability Offences Act of 1955 which was renamed as the Protection of Civil Rights Act in 1976 provides penalties for preventing a person from entering a place of worship or from taking water from a tank or well etc. This Article read with Article 39(a) (ii) of the Directive Principles of State Policy, makes it clear that the untouchability has been abolished and its practice is forbidden. Article 18 further provides the mechanism for protective or reverse discrimination of persons and is prohibitory in nature. It is in this vein, that the National Awards are not violative of Article 18 as the doctrine of equality does not mandate that merit should not be recognised.{end-tooltip} |
Towseef Ahmad |
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{tooltip}Teaching English Grammar (To Large Groups of Students with Different English Language Abilities) for the Engineering Students in Short Period of time{end-texte}Abstract – I would like to share my teaching experiences and I hope these will be useful and interesting for any other Lecturers of English. The technique I am going to present comes from my own teaching experiences. Since last 4 years I have been teaching English at the Engineering College. I worked in groups of 20 students whose levels of English proficiently varied; some of them just completed high school in Gujarati medium, while others were also come from English medium Schools. Their English was pretty poor, and there were students who were not interested in studying English. According to the official curriculum, I had only 48 academic hours for English instruction. It was rather difficult to solve the problems I came across. It is devoted to the idea of teaching students of different levels of English. These Engineering students are participating in large classes and study English for short periods of time. The basic curriculum we had to follow in our English classes was in accordance with The University Standards of Education and these standards had little to no guide lines on the structuring English courses. Students were not given any textbooks, so we have to follow our own curriculum activities in the class room. Behalf of that I am also design my own curriculum and to create all the material myself. However, it was time consuming to prepare for us, but it was a very important to our students. The following curriculum is based on the ideas from various Grammar References books.{end-tooltip} |
Vishal B. Patel |
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{tooltip}E-Waste Problem – Present Status, Challenges faced in its Management and Future: a Study of Gujarat Region{end-texte}Abstract – “E-waste” is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful lie.wastes are considered dangerous, as certain components of some electronic products contain materials that are hazardous, depending on their condition and density. The hazardous content of these materials pose a threat to human health and environment. Discarded computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, electric lamps, cell phones, audio equipment and batteries if improperly disposed can leach lead and other substances into soil and groundwater. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled in an environmentally sound manner so that they are less harmful to the ecosystem. This paper highlights the hazards of e-wastes, the need for its appropriate management and options that can be implemented.{end-tooltip} |
Nikung K. Raval et al. |
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{tooltip}The Voter: A Poignant Satire on Human Weakness for Power and Money{end-texte}Abstract – It is a common experience for the citizens for any country that their leaders indulge in immense luxury once they get elected. A sensitive writer like Chinua Achebe is bound to be hurt by such an apathetic attitude of the politicians. In this story, he realistically depicts the rampant corruption prevailing in the African political system.{end-tooltip} |
Ramesh B. Patel et al. |
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{tooltip}My Financial Career: A Scathing Satire on the Absurdities of the World{end-texte}Abstract – Stephen Leacock, a Canadian humorist has employed his creative genius to satirize the absurdities of the world where a common man like the narrator experiences fear which creates distrust in him on the occasion of opening a bank account in his much acclaimed short story ‘My Financial Career’. Humour stems from the peculiar behaviour of an ordinary fellow who finds the way of this world highly incomprehensive and challenging. The present research paper aims to focus on the sad reality that how the vulnerable people feel when they have to face the bureaucrats.{end-tooltip} |
Sweta J. Thakkar |
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{tooltip}Demographic Dividend and Skill Development{end-texte}Abstract – This paper attempts to explain the urgency required in accelerating the pace of skill development initiatives by the government to capture the demographic dividend and become the skill factory of the world. It is predicted that our population is increasing and India may become the most populated country in the world surpassing china population. With this explosive population, lack of necessary skills exposes India to number of problems like unemployment , increasing poverty , more investment on social security thus increasing public expenditure on transfer payments which are leakage to our national income. Along with this, government need to ensure that special initiatives to develop skills of informal sector are undertaken, this comprises of more that 90 percent employment.
Unless skills of informal sector are upgraded, the social problems will continue to persist and we will always get trapped in the vicious circle.{end-tooltip} |
Reema Jain |
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{tooltip}Agriculture: Policies and Problems{end-texte}Abstract – Agriculture relates to all those activities which are related to cultivation of land or production of crops. Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy because more than 50 percent of the population is dependent on it either directly or indirectly .This paper attempts to highlight the various policies undertaken since inception of planning process and the progress happened till date. We are not able to meet the target of 4 percent growth in agriculture due to lack of public investment and research and development in agriculture which are considered to be 4 times more effective in raising the productivity as compared to short term methods of giving susidies like fertilizer and power. China became self sufficient with a decade of liberalization i.e. 1980 and we are still not able to achieve the target of 4 percent .The budget has also announced some programmes like Krishi sichai yojna, soil health card scheme and has extended the interest subvention scheme. {end-tooltip} |
Rohit Sehrawat |
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{tooltip}Role of Judiciary in Protecting the Human Rights of Prisoners{end-texte}Abstract – Indian judiciary not only is a watchdog against violation of fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution but the judiciary in India is the only defensive armour of the country and its Constitution and laws. In view of this the judiciary in our country has a major role to play in enforcing the human rights of the prisoners. Of course the Supreme Court India is heralded as a beacon of rights against torture. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India by interpreting Article 21 of the Constitution has developed Human Rights Jurisprudence for the preservation and protection of prisoner’s right to human dignity. This paper makes a careful scrutiny and examination of the landmark verdicts delivered by the higher judiciary in India to ascertain the sentiments adopted and new strategies devised by the Indian judiciary to ensure the protection of Human Rights of the prisoners.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Minal H. Upadhyay |
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{tooltip}Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Rural Area of Kheda District in Winter Season by Physico-Chemical Study{end-texte}Abstract: Kheda district is situated in the middle site of Gujarat State. Quality of Ground Water is indispensable for healthy population. So in this study we are assessing Ground Water Quality in winter season. Water Quality has been studied at 10 different sites of Kapadwanj County of Kheda district. Physico-Chemical parameters like pH, TDS, Chloride, EC, Sulphate, BOD, COD, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluoride, Nitrate, Carbonate- Bicarbonate, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Total Alkalinity etc analyze in present study.{end-tooltip} |
Pravin R. Mevada et al. |
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Towards a Synthesis of the Ideals of Nationalism and Internationalism in the Light of Sri Aurobindo’s Political Philosophy |
Richa Tiwari |