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{tooltip}Utilization of ICT in College Library{end-texte}Abstract – Application of ICT in all spheres of human life have brought a great revolution all over the world and its effect can been seen in the developing world as well which has witnessed a rapid growth in mobile telecommunication , internet, web-resources , databases etc. Today, we can have access to any kind of information by just sitting by the computer at any place be it at home, office, institution etc. The library also has under gone a vast change simultaneously such as from the traditional library to the automated, electronic, digital and now to the borderless library or the library without walls. The increasing use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is making the LIS professionals to rethink and readjust to the change in teaching, learning, research and librarianship. ICT components in LIS must be evaluated on the basis of its feasibility to meet present and future challenges and accordingly it should adopt certain changes, if required.{end-tooltip} |
R. S. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}National Green Tribunal: A Road to Environmental Justice{end-texte}Abstract – This paper presents the brief evolution of National Green Tribunal. It highlights the landmark judgements of Supreme Court interpretation of Right to Environment within the ambit of Article 21 of the Constitution, which led to the establishment of National Green Tribunal. It focuses on the brief history of laws originated in India for the protection of environment and for seeking environmental justice. The paper also briefly explains specific interventions by the National Green Tribunal which resulted in large benefit to the environment and society at large.{end-tooltip} |
Ms. Ruchi Singh |
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{tooltip}Filial Therapy{end-texte}Abstract – Play is a kind of sacrament of childhood and it is a manifestation of children’s inner thoughts and emotions. It is a not meaningless or random. The child creates her own meaning in the mysterious and sacred ways of play. Play therapy helps children resolves issues arising from traumatic occurrences. Children use play to express and resolve terrifying events. Children will recreate the original events in trauma inspired play. play therapy as an intervention is effective but filial therapy, a family focused play intervention that uses the relationship with the primary care giver is even more effective. No other relationship is more important in shaping a child’s adjustment than that with primary care giver .children often have intense and complicated emotions after experiencing significant life event such as domestic violence, abuse ,homelessness ,natural disaster ,war and acts of terror. Many parents do not have the communication skills required to meet their child’s emotional needs.{end-tooltip} |
Mrs. B. Mahalakshmi |
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{tooltip}Eustress Vs Distress-A Review{end-texte}Abstract – In daily life, we often use the term “stress” to describe negative situations. This leads many people to believe that all stress is bad for you, which is not true. Eustress means beneficial stress-either psychological, physical (e.g. exercise), or biochemical/radiological (hormesis).The term was coined by endocrinologist Hans Selye, consisting of the Greek prefix eu- meaning “good”, and stress, literally meaning “good stress”.
It is typically assumed that experiencing chronic stress, either in the form of distress or eustress, is negative. However, eustress can instead fuel physiological thriving by positively influencing the underlying biological processes implicated in physical recovery and immunity.{end-tooltip} |
Sivasubramanian |
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{tooltip}MSME- An Emerging Pillar of Indian Economy{end-texte}Abstract – The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector has been recognized as engine of growth all over the world. The MSMEs make significant contribution towards economic growth, balanced regional development, employment generation and overall poverty reduction by way of mobilization of capital and entrepreneurship skills. The MSME sector is an important pillar of Indian economy as it contributes greatly towards its growth. It has emerged as an important vehicle for attaining inclusive growth of the country. This paper attempts to focus on the contribution of MSME towards the growth of Indian economy as well as its present scenario in the country.{end-tooltip} |
Ms. Jyoti Sharma et al. |
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{tooltip}Various Insights into Goods and Services Tax: The Indian case{end-texte}Abstract – This paper provides a comprehensive review of the Indian Tax Policy and the upcoming tax reform. Indian policy makers have proposed a shift of indirect tax regime from complex range of taxes at State and Centre level to Goods and Services Tax. This paper elaborates on this country’s current indirect tax structure using a schematic diagram and compares it to the proposed goods and services tax regime along with a theoretical background of economic analysis for the efficiency of such a policy reform. Further, a simple model is developed to establish the regressivity of Goods and Services Tax. This paper also adds substance to the argument for raising the registration threshold in the interest of small enterprises.{end-tooltip} |
Princy Jain |
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{tooltip}Awareness and Use of N-List Programme in College Libraries Affiliated to Saurashtra University{end-texte}Abstract – Library is a repository of resources. The primary function of educational system is to serve their users (faculty members, students, research scholar and staff). In the present electronic era, e-resources have come to play an important role in education. The academic libraries often prefer e-resources to substitute of print resources for maximum use. Especially e-journals have become widely popular among library users. Lots of efforts have been taken in past few years to overcome financial crunch by resource sharing through consortia. UGC and MHRD have initiated some qualitative initiatives to cope-up with the financial crunch of academic libraries i.e. UGC-INFONET, INDEST-AICTE and NLIST Programme. These efforts can be boon to library users that will definitely boost the level of higher education system in our country. The present study briefly described the awareness and use of N-LIST programme amongst the users (Faculty members, UG students and PG students) of affiliated colleges of Saurashtra University. Survey method was adopted and questionnaire is used as a tool to elicit the opinion of users about the awareness and use of N-LIST programme. Sample was drawn from 2685 users and out of which 2280 responses were received i.e. 84.9%. The stratified random sampling method and purposive sampling method were used for selecting the sample users. The article summarizes the results highlighting the major findings and conclusion.{end-tooltip} |
Mahesh R. Solanki |
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{tooltip}Future of Digital Library{end-texte}Abstract – Digital Library are already available 24/7 from anywhere in the world and flexible for all. Digital library has been making their roots in the Library profession as a separate discipline. Digital Library may be understood in different way. Digital libraries can be justified by their benefits and advantage as compared with tradition library as timely and wild availability of up-to-date, highquality and multimedia resources which help to remove physical and conceptual buries, Digital Technology, allowing the building of advantage of innovative services.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Chetna Shah |
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{tooltip}Hedging Tools and Techniques for Foreign Exchange Exposure in India{end-texte}Abstract – In recent years, there has been spontaneous and unpredictable fluctuation in the value of Indian rupee. The paper looks at the necessity of managing foreign exchange rate exposure, and ways by which it can be accomplished. This paper discusses exchange rate exposure in terms of transaction risk (sensitivity of firm’s future cash flows from contracts denominated in foreign currency to changes in exchange rate), translation risk (sensitivity of firm’s foreign denominated financial statements to changes in exchange rate) and economic risk (sensitivity of firm’s competitive position in the market to changes in exchange rate). It identifies various steps involved in foreign exchange risk management process. This paper seeks to analysis the various options available to the Indian corporates for hedging exchange rate exposure.{end-tooltip} |
Abhay Kumar Gupta |
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Comparative study of TEC for different solar activity |
Girish Vekaria |
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A Study of Inner Fury reflected in Kamala Markandaya’s ‘Some Inner Fury’ |
Dr. Narendra T. Mane |