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{tooltip}Corporate Social Responsibility – A Voluntary Action is required{end-texte}Abstract – Corporate social responsibility means responsibility towards people and employees within the firm or people who are affected by the acts of the firm. It can also be referred to obligation of businessmen to pursue those policies /decisions which are desirable in terms of objectives and values of our society. In the developed countries, the pioneers of industrial revolution started the social work for the purpose of easing their conscience in developed countries. Sometimes corporate social responsibility activities involve eliminating boundaries between capital and labour class through profit sharing policy or sometimes used for removing TU rivalry. In India businessmen /merchants help people at the time of case of epidemics, calamity or any disaster by founding the temples and religious institutions. But with the coming of British raj Indian capital class also became more business oriented and want rapid social- economic growth. Cheaper labour resource and raw material supported the more business growth.{end-tooltip} |
Chaten Yadav et al. |
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{tooltip}Hindu Marriage no More Left Sacramental & Ceremonial, It’s totally Became Contractual{end-texte}Abstract – Traditionally, the Indian society might have frowned upon live-in-relationship. But the growing numbers of couples are opening its doors for western ideas and lifestyle and one of the most crucial episodes amongst it, is the concept of live-in-relationship, which accords the status of marriage. In present scenario marriage is more a result of mutual consent than sacramental, ceremonial or contractual. Issue like live-in-relationship that was taken up by the western society is gradually percolating in to our social norms. Does with the changing time our Indian society is ready for this trend? Or does it need our conscious attention so as it helps us our society from disorganizing?{end-tooltip} |
Mamit Kumar |
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{tooltip}Teacher Education & e-Library{end-texte}Abstract – The term E-library has been applied to a wide variety of offerings from collection of electronic journals to software agents that support inquiry based education to collections of email to electronic version of a public library, to personal information collections and even to the entire internet. The major advantages are ease in use, easy access to information and speedy outcome. The period of 21st century is the time of the education, knowledge and technology. We can exchange a few words with anybody, anywhere at any time in the world with use of technology. E-technology is the blessing for them who really wants to give the knowledge. Due to progress technological E-system is the third eye of the mankind. This article directs us towards the concept of E-library that is what E-library is, advantages of E-library and scope of E-library in teacher education.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Sunitaben J. Chauhan |
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{tooltip}Developing a Teaching Package in General Science for Class X Using Inductive Thinking Model{end-texte}Abstract – The present study is experimental in nature. The objective of this study was to study the effect of Inductive Thinking Model of teaching on achievement in General Science at secondary stage. A sample of 40 students was selected at random. 20 students were selected randomly to form an experimental group. Another 20 students were selected randomly to form the control group for the study. The experimental group was given the Inductive thinking model of teaching and the control group was taught through the Conventional Method (Lecture Method) of teaching. The data was collected and analyzed with the help of suitable statistical techniques. Inductive thinking model was found to be effective in terms of achievement of students in General Science.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Mahesh Patel |
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{tooltip}Self Compassion & Emotional Intelligence of Engineering and Medical College Students{end-texte}Abstract – A total sample of 60 out of which 30 girls and 30 boys college students were collected using simple random method from different departments of engineering of Gujarat University and B. J. Medical college of Ahmedabad to compare self compassion & emotional intelligence between girls and boys college students using emotional intelligence scale and self compassion scale. The result found no difference in self compassion of girls & boys in engineering and dental. There is difference in traits emotional intelligence of boys of medical and engineering student but there isn’t any difference in girls in this aspect.{end-tooltip} |
Sonal B. Patel |
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{tooltip}Capital Inflows and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from India{end-texte}Abstract – In view of the debate that whether financial globalization is beneficial for developing countries and whether the financial flows to EMEs help in their growth, this paper investigates empirical evidence from India by testing causal relationship between capital inflows and economic growth in India for quarterly data from 1996 to 2009. The objective of the study is to examine the causal and long run relationship between Real GDP growth rate and various forms of capital inflows (FII, FDI, Remittances) by using the Granger causality test and Engle-Granger co-integration test respectively.{end-tooltip} |
Arjun Teotia |
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{tooltip}Corporate Social Responsibility – Studying Indian Scene of Elite CSR spending{end-texte}Abstract – India is a country of numerous contradictions. As India has grown to be one of the largest economies of world and emerging as a global player on one hand and home to largest number of people living in absolute poverty. The scene that emerges is of uneven distribution of benefits of growth is the root cause of social unrest. Large corporate houses have created this scene of uneven distribution of Income and wealth. Corporate houses thus try to contribute wellbeing of community and society they influence and on which they depend. Effort in this research has been made to be familiar with elite Indian corporates and their spending.
The objectives of this study are:
- Understanding corporate social responsibility.
- Understanding the need of CSR.
- Evaluating Indian corporate houses with CSR yardstick.
- Evaluating Indian scene.
The Sources of the data:
Research paper has studied the aspect with help of secondary data by using
- Research papers on CSR
- Web portals (Specifically
- CSR10 – India Index – 2012
- Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility {end-tooltip}
Hiren Raval |
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{tooltip}Simulations and Obstinacies of Computer Aided Language Learning Class{end-texte}Abstract – Computer Assisted Language Learning is a relatively new and rapidly evolving academic field that exposes the role of information and technology involving in language learning and teaching. Computers provide tremendous opportunities of learning situations for second language learning in all the four skills and four aspects of the target language. But many English teachers believe that the usage of computer software and programs cannot become the premier part of their arena. Against this back ground, this paper focuses on:
i. Computer Aided Language Learning- a premier tool to improve language skills.
ii. CALL- an asset to ESL class with improved opportunities of learning/teaching.
iii. Obstinacies while using CALL and addressing the same.
In true sense, CALL is an extended application in reinforcing language learning activities. It adds value to the process of English Language Learning /teaching and cannot be an alternative to a conventional class. {end-tooltip} |
Ms. P. Madhuri Devi |
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{tooltip}Escapism in Anita Desai’s Fire on the Mountain{end-texte}Abstract – It has been unanimously accepted that of all the contemporary Indian English novelists, Anita Desai is perhaps the most perceptive and consistent explorer of the inner life. The theme of the Desai’s novels like that of the novels of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf is human nature and human relationship. We can see that escapism, alienation, despair, frustration, anxiety in the emotional life of the individuals evident in her novels. Escape – withdrawal and a denial of reality – seems to be prominent primitive survival strategies among the protagonists of Anita Desai. The protagonists of her novels are torn between their search for authentic existence and the limitations of the human situation that prevent them from such realizations. Anita Desai herself states.{end-tooltip} |
Prof. Kamal H. Joshi |
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{tooltip}Inflation Targeting: A New Approach to Monitary Policy{end-texte}Abstract – Inflation is a double edge sword which causes damage to an economy on either extreme. High inflation causes dissaving in the economy which hampers medium and long run growth. RBI controls money supply to manage optimum rate of inflation for the economy but often it fails to do so. Inflation targeting is the new buzz world in the money market which provides a new frame work to tame the inflationary expectations. This paper is an attempt to analyse the merits and demerits of this new approach and to suggest some important prerequisites for its successful implementation.{end-tooltip} |
Reema Jain |
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{tooltip}Exploring Demographic Window{end-texte}Abstract – India is a home to 1.21 billion people and it is estimated that it will touch 1.25 billion in 2020 .With a home to such a large population along with a proportion of about 60percent in working age group(1559 yrs), india can become a developed country and skill capital of the world .This paper attempts to highlight the potential of india to have high levels of savings and investment thus securing a more than 8percent growth in medium term and that too sustainable in nature.It also highlight the need to look into the shortcomings of various initiatives undertaken under skill development to stop the impending crisis of employability of youth.It also highlights the skill india initiative along with the four other initiatives launched under skill development.{end-tooltip} |
Rohit Sehrawat |
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{tooltip}Plea Bargaining: A New Chapter in Indian Legal System{end-texte}Abstract – In modern times, plea bargaining has become the primary procedure through which we dispose of the vast proportion of cases of serious crime but this concept was unknown during most of the history of the common law. Only in the nineteenth century do we find significant evidence of its practice in America. Plea Bargaining is basically an American concept and its origin can be traced back in America during the 19thCentury. Over the years, Plea bargaining has emerged as a prominent feature of the American Judicial System.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Apurva Pathak |
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{tooltip}Internal and External Evaluation in Education{end-texte}Abstract – Since ancient times measurement and evaluation enjoys and important position in the human history. The mental power ability qualification and intelligence of an individual is different from other individual, and the measurement and evaluation of these entire things continue since ancient times. Firstly, the oral, action and written test had come into existence in the ancient history. In Indian the mention of written test can be fist found in the report of “The Bombay Native Education society.”
Initially the education was teacher-centered in which the teacher would speak and the students would listen. Then came the involvement of Student Various education commissions had recommended to make education more qualitative by evaluating student’s progress during the year along whit conduction annual examinations. According to the recommendations of the Secondary Education Commission, the internal and external evaluations began under the continuous and comprehensive evaluation in education. The present study presents the internal and external evaluation, their tools, merits and demerits, limitations and importance.{end-tooltip} |
Kamlesh S. Taral |