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{tooltip}Essential Steps for Introducing ‘Educational Research’{end-texte}Abstract – Research means detailed, systematic and comprehensive study of a problem. Here, the details of the Educational problems are collected and studied, conclusions are drawn and suggestions (recommendations) are made to solve the problems quickly, correctly and systematically. In Educational research, Educational problem is studied in depth and solutions are suggested to solve the problem relating to consumers, product, market competition, sales promotion and so on.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nilesh B. Gajjar |
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{tooltip}A Critical Study of Secondary Teacher Education Institution of North Gujarat{end-texte}Abstract – Since ancient time’s impotence is give to education. In current times, People are becoming more and more aware due to education. Various Countries of the world have recognized in the importance of education and are allocating adequate financial assistance for the development of their people. For a nation, its future citizens are very important. Such future citizens mean Students Studying in classrooms. The teachers of educational institutions are preparing ideal citizens for the development of their country. In is necessary to have good teachers to have good citizen; and task or preparing well qualified teachers is done by the teacher-training institutions. To maintain the quality of teachers and teacher training institutes various laws have been formed and implemented by various education Commissions and the government. The NCTE, UGC, etc. are the agencies which enact and implement laws for quality in education. In this research the investigator has made an attempt to find out the problems faced by the teacher-training institution and whether these institutions comply with various laws related to education.{end-tooltip} |
Kamlesh S. Taral |
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{tooltip}Development and Tryout of Animation Programme for the Unit of ‘The Golden Touch’ in English{end-texte}Abstract – Twenty first century is recognised as an age of information and communication. In this age, the earth is considered as a global village with a unique international language, especially English. To face the global challenges and to meet with expectations of the present age, one cannot go on without learning English. Across the Earth, several hundred million people use one or other form of English language in their routines and personal life. Today, English language is a universal tool of communication; and plays a role of common language in the world of trade, science and technology. By reviewing related past literature and studies and considering the importance of computer multimedia and especially animations, the investigator decided to investigate into the development of animation programme for the unit “The Golden Touch” in English. For the purpose, the investigator carried out this investigation by taking pre decided objectives and hypotheses related to the problem. Two schools from Surat District (one from urban and one from rural area) were selected by incidental sampling method. A sample of 240 students was selected and distributed in four groups by random assignment method in each school. ‘Solomon Four Group’ research design was used. The investigator used three types of research instruments, viz. instruments for conducting the experiment, instruments for measuring the effectiveness of the experiment and standardized tests for covariates. The collected data were analyzed statistically by using appropriate statistical techniques, viz. correlated t-test, analysis of co-variance, analysis of variance. At the end of the investigation, the investigator found that the experimental groups did a better performance over control groups on Content Criterion Test for the unit ‘The Golden Touch’, multimedia programme can be used for teaching English irrespective of Gender, Level of IQ of students.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Riddhi S. Desai |
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{tooltip}Importance of Life Skill for Adolescents{end-texte}Abstract – Adolescence is a transition period of development and adolescents are considered as the productive members of a society. Now day’s adolescents are becoming individuals who are less motivated and are engaging in antisocial activities and spoiling their valuable life. Adolescence is a period when the intellectual, physical and all the capabilities are very high but their antisocial activities and behavior are deteriorating all the capabilities and they are becoming a burden to the society. Life skill education aims to provide adolescents with strategies to make healthy choices that contribute to a meaningful life. Life skill facilitates a complete and integrated development of individuals to function effectively as social being. Developing life skill helps adolescents in translating knowledge; attitude and values in to healthy behavior that makes their life fruitful with life skill adolescent make rational decisions in solving each problem or issue as it arises.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Kamendu S. Thakar et al. |
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{tooltip}Creativity, Personality and Intelligence an Interrelation Study among Adolescence{end-texte}Abstract – The aim of the research is to assess the relationship between creativity, personality and intelligence among adolescence. It is hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between creativity and personality traits among adolescence, intelligence and personality traits among adolescence and a positive correlation between creativity and intelligence among adolescence. The study was conducted in a municipal School of New Delhi named as Saraswati Vidya Mandir. The school is a co-ed school with more number of male students. Medium of Instruction is English. Data was collected from the nine standard students with strength of 46. The data was collected from 30 students in three consecutive days where each new test was given on each fresh day. The students were of 14 to 15 years of age. Co relational Research was used where the same group of samples were used for the three test used for this research. Purposive sampling method was used. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) was use to assess creativity, Standard Progressive Matrices was used to assess intelligence and NEO Five-Factor Inventory was use to assess personality traits. Statistical tools used were mean, Standard Deviation and correlation. The results indicate that there is positive correlation between Resistance to Premature Closure of creativity domain and intelligence among adolescence. Other creativity domains such as Fluency, Originality, Elaboration and Abstraction of titles do not correlate with intelligence. The results also indicate that there is Correlation between Resistance to Premature Closure of creativity domains and Personality Traits. Other personality traits such as Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, and Conscientiousness do not correlate with the creativity domains. Another result indicate that there is a correlation between Intelligence and Originality of creativity domain. Other creativity domains such as Fluency. Abstraction of Titles, Elaboration and Resistance to Premature Closure do not correlate with intelligence. One more result indicates that represents that there is correlation between Extraversion and intelligence, Agreeableness and Intelligence and Conscientiousness and Intelligence .Other creativity domains such as Neuroticism and Openness do not correlate with intelligence.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dharmvir M. Gurjar |
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{tooltip}Study of Feedback of Teacher Trainees towards Open Book Examination{end-texte}Abstract – Education has continued to evolve, diversify and extend its reach and coverage since the dawn of human history. Education is an important instrument for bringing out potentialities of human beings while effectiveness of a system of education is mainly dependent on the quality competence of teachers. In the last twenty years around the world teachers have been exposed to a wide range of transformations occurring in the education system. It is very important for qualitative improvement of education to prepare competent teachers .Teaching and learning requires higher order thinking and critical skills. It becomes essential with the rapid and drastic changes in 21st century to prepare effective teachers. The present study was undertaken to study the feedback of teacher trainees on various aspects of open book examination. Self constructed opinionnaire was administered on 100 teacher trainees. The data obtained were analyzed by using statistical technique. The results of the study reveal that Open book examination provides an opportunity to learn without burden and also helps to develop higher order thinking skills.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Nilam P. Trivedi |
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{tooltip}A study of Mental Stress of the High School Teachers of Ahmedabad{end-texte}Abstract – Most of the people experience stress at one time or another. People often work well under certain stress leading to increase productivity. Many times they don’t know in advance and the stress periods may be sudden. The situation may not be under control. They should know their level of stress that follows them to perform optimally in their life.
Gender, Area and the management of school are taken as independent variables. The hypothesis are interpreted by mean, SD and t-ratio. The effect of management of school definitely affects the mental stress of the High school teachers. Non-granted school’s teachers’ are filling more stress than that of granted school teachers. {end-tooltip} |
Dr. Snehal S. Shukla |