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{tooltip}Personality Trait of Teacher trainees of Education College with Reference to Certain Variables{end-texte}Abstract – There is a variety of human behavior and for that reason life is differ from person to person. According to the generalization of psychology we all are unique, because we can think, but we all are different because our way of thinking is different. Psychology plays a great role in the development and shaping the personality of the individual person. In this present study teacher trainee of education college of Gandhinagar district, were considered as the population and from them total 188 teacher trainees were selected randomly for the present study. Particular specific abilities, interest and personality traits are effectively affects to the particular profession. Mean Score of female teacher trainee are significantly higher than the mean Score of male teacher trainee on Personal Preference Schedule. Mean Score of urban teacher trainee are significantly higher than the mean Score of rural teacher trainee on Personal Preference Schedule. Mean Score of science teacher trainee are significantly higher than the mean Score of common teacher trainee on Personal Preference Schedule. Mean Score of rural female teacher trainee are significantly higher than the mean Score of rural male teacher trainee on Personal Preference Schedule. Mean Score of urban-female teacher trainee are significantly higher than the mean Score of urban-male teacher trainee on Personal Preference Schedule. Gender wise, Habitat wise, Stream wise and Habitat wise male and female effect of Personal Preference Schedule found significant, which shows that the personality traits of these kind of variable are affects to the individual personality.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Shilpa K. Patel |
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{tooltip}Construction and Standardization of Creativity test in Hindi for the Students of Upper Primary School{end-texte}Abstract – Creativity refers to the invention or origination of any new thing (a product, solution, artwork, literary work, joke, etc.) that has value. “New” may refer to the individual creator or the society or domain within which novelty occurs. “Valuable”, similarly, may be defined in a variety of ways. Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby something new is created which has some kind of subjective value (such as a joke, a literary work, a painting or musical composition, a solution, an invention etc.). It is also the qualitative impetus behind any given act of creation, and it is generally perceived to be associated with intelligence and cognition. The range of scholarly interest in creativity includes a multitude of definitions and approaches involving several disciplines; psychology, cognitive science, education, philosophy (particularly philosophy of science), technology, theology, sociology, linguistics, business studies, and economics, taking in the relationship between creativity and general intelligence, mental and neurological processes associated with creativity, the relationships between personality type and creative ability and between creativity and mental health, the potential for fostering creativity through education and training, especially as augmented by technology, and the application of creative resources to improve the effectiveness of learning and teaching processes. Here the researcher developed the creativity test to examine the students of upper primary school.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Vimla Patel |
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{tooltip}Factors Affecting on Stream Selection of Higher Secondary Students{end-texte}Abstract – Present Study has been done to know the Factors affecting in stream selection of Higher Secondary Students in the study effect of Gender, Area and Type of schools were checked. Total 600 students were selected from the schools. Stream selection attitude measurement was created to know various effects. On the basis of the score obtain by the Students mean, standard deviation and ‘F’ was calculated for data analysis.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. A. D. Shah |
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{tooltip}Availability and Expansion of Education in Rural Areas{end-texte}Abstract – So far as the matter is about availability of education, there is big difference between the rural areas and the urban areas of our country. And the same is the case with the different states of the country. To remove this gap many efforts have been made. For example the Five Years Plans were prepared, special budget was allotted and for the improvement of the condition of education in rural areas different efforts like school admission festival and rationing scheme have been started. The reasons of low rate of education in the society are many. The children are compelled to work in farms or in other field. The other reason is the rituals of the society. The children in such society cannot get even primary education. In this situation the parents should think that if their son or daughter will get education it will be a matter of pride for their family, village, society and the country. For that, all of us will have to make firm determination. So let’s be determined for it in order that today’s children can make the future of our nation bright.{end-tooltip} |
Devasi M. Chandravadiya |
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{tooltip}Value Conflict Profile of Primary Teachers{end-texte}Abstract – The present study attempts to study value conflict profile of primary teachers. The data was collected by using value conflict scale by Bhardwaj. t-ratio was calculated to find out significance of difference between means obtained of any two groups of primary teachers, on various dimensions of value conflict scale.{end-tooltip} |
Aravind N. Chaudhary & Manisha R. Nai |
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{tooltip}A Study of the Effect of Presages Variables on B.Ed. trainee of Ahmedabad District{end-texte}Abstract – The child does to identify himself with teacher and tries to imitate his ways, manners and personality taints. Hence he himself should be a role model for the child. In order to be a role model, a teacher requires many qualities of a teacher which affect a student’s learning process. Members of the secondary education commission were also of the opinion, “We are however convinced that the most important factor in the contemplated educational reconstruction is the teacher his personal qualities, his educational qualifications, his professional training and the place that he occupies in the school as well as in the community.”So in this situation, it is notable that the teacher’s personal variables. Like sex, age, his attitude towards the students, relationship with the students. Via this study the researcher concluded that the significance effect of some presages variable on trainee teachers.{end-tooltip} |
Prin. Chirag Panchal |
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{tooltip}A Comparative Study of Traditional Teaching Method and Computerized Self Learning Material{end-texte}Abstract – Present study has been done to know the effect of Computerized Self Learning Material. For this Programmed Learning Material was prepared and experimented on 220 students in 2 different Gujarati Medium schools of Ahmedabad. On the basis of the post data score mean and ‘F’ was calculated for data analysis.{end-tooltip} |
Prin. Ravindra Mojidra |
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{tooltip}Importance of Physical Education in the Modern Age{end-texte}Abstract – In today’s world physical education is essential. Man can live healthy and better life only by doing physical exercise. Today new and new diseases are emerging and have made big harm to man’s body. Man’s life has become dependent on medicines. For example digest medicine, medicine for excretion, medicine for sleep, etc. Because of these medicines man has become like a walking robot. In such condition is it fair to waste this body like this? How sad it is that man has time to do the service of technical gadgets like car, freeze, television but he does not have time to take care of his valuable body. Through physical education man can live his day to day life healthily. Physical education plays important role in man’s development and proves helpful for better physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual life. Here the author wants to introduce the importance of physical education in our modern life. {end-tooltip} |
Dr. Kanu M. Desai |
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{tooltip}Remedial Teaching Using CAI Programme for the Unit Chemistry in Everyday Life of 12th Science Chemistry{end-texte}Abstract – In present study, investigator implemented CAI method for remedial work and tested its effectiveness. The present study was organized in two phases. Firstly it was concerned with the diagnostic and secondly to assess the effectiveness of remedial teaching. The study was experimental in nature. Teaching at school as well as Higher Education, mostly, concentrates on giving information which is not the sole objective of Teaching. Along with giving information, the other objectives are as follows.
- Developing understanding and application of the concepts.
- Developing expression power.
- Developing reasoning and thinking power.
- Development of judgment and decision making ability.
- Improving comprehension, speed and vocabulary.
- Developing self-concept and value clarification.
- Developing proper study habits.
- Developing tolerance and ambiguity, risk taking capacity, scientific temper, etc. {end-tooltip}
Dipika N. Patel |
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{tooltip}Effectiveness of Smart Class for Teaching Sanskrit Grammar{end-texte}Abstract – Class rooms have changed from being teacher centered to being student centered, traditional teaching aid are being replaced by modern teaching aids. New ages classrooms are fast replacing the teachers with the computers and a new era of smart classes have emerged. Students feel difficulty in hearing Sanskrit Grammar. To make the Sanskrit learning easy, number of efforts is being pithy by various scholars. In the era of computer, any Sanskrit scholars are trying to develop program of smart class for teaching Sanskrit efficiently and effectively in a case manner. This research aims to study the effectiveness of these classes in references to the achievement of the students of standard X in Sanskrit grammar.{end-tooltip} |
Bharatkumar P. Mali |
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{tooltip}Mental Stress of the High School Teachers of Ahmedabad{end-texte}Abstract – Stress is involved in an environment situation that perceived as presenting demand which threatens to exceed the person’s capabilities and resources for meeting it under conditions where he/she expects a substantial differential in the rewards and costs from meeting the demand versus not meeting it.
Most of the people experience stress at one time or another. People often work well under certain stress leading to increase productivity. Many times they don’t know in advance and the stress periods may be sudden. The situation may not be under control. They should know their level of stress that flows them to perform optimally in their life. Finally, stress can be defined as a state of that result from a transaction between them and the things around them.
Mental stress may be different according to area, urbanization and rural. The people of urban area live with high life style, busy schedule, achieving more education etc, so there is stress according to this situation. The people of rural area mostly live with normal life, though they also suffer from mental stress like, illiteracy, unemployed, sort of schools, their education system etc. so stress has its own part according to situation, no one can escape from stress. Here the researcher studied about mental stress of High schools teachers.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Jesal Patel |
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{tooltip}An Overview of the Significance of the t-test{end-texte}Abstract – In this review article, we’ll look at significance testing, using mostly the t-test as a guide. As you read educational research, you’ll encounter t-test and ANOVA statistics frequently. Part I reviews the basics of significance testing as related to the null hypothesis and p values. Part II shows you how to conduct a t-test, using an online calculator. Part III deals with interpreting ttest results. Part IV is about reporting t-test results in both text and table formats and concludes with a guide to interpreting confidence intervals.{end-tooltip} |
Chhaya Jangam |
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{tooltip}A Study of the Relationship between Academic Achievement Motivation and Home Environment among Standard 10th Pupils{end-texte}Abstract – The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between academic achievement motivation and home environment among standard 10th pupils. The study was carried out on standard 10th from urban and rural primary schools randomly selected from Banaskantha district. Their age ranged between 13 and 17 years. Two questionnaires, Academic Achievement Motivation Test by Sharma T.R and home environment questionnaire, were used to provide information on the pupil’s levels of academic motivation and home environment. A significant (p < 0.05) positive relationship was found between five factors of the home environmental, that is mother’s occupation (r = 0.26), father’s occupation (r = 0.24), mother’s education (r = 0.19), father’s education (r = 0.16) family size(r = 0.29) and academic achievement motivation. Parental encouragement was the only factor that was not significantly (r = 0.04) related to academic achievement motivation. Although these correlations are low, they showed that pupils’ motivation to do well in academic work is to some extend dependent on the nature of their home environment. It was recommended that parents need to be aware of the importance of their role in their children’s academic achievement motivation so that they can provide the necessary facilities at home.{end-tooltip} |
Ashvinkumar R. Soni |
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{tooltip}Attitude of M.Ed. Student and Teachers towards Yoga{end-texte}Abstract – Traditionally, Yoga is a method of joining the individual self with the Universal Spirit, Divine energy or Cosmic Consciousness. Mental and physical exercises are designed to help achieve unlimited goal. Keeping these aspects in mind, the researcher has studied about the attitude of M.Ed. students and teachers towards Yoga. For this the researcher have prepared a Yoga attitude scale for data collection and applied it on the M.Ed. students. The researcher has applied t-test for data analysis and for find out the results.{end-tooltip} |
Rafikbhai A. Umatiya |
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{tooltip}A Study of Effectiveness of Computer Aided Instructional Material (CAIM) on Chemistry for Gujarati Medium Students of Standard XI{end-texte}Abstract – The present experimental study was conducted to find out effectiveness of CAIM on chemistry for gujarati medium students of standard XI. The investigator used purposive sampling methods for selecting sample. The effectiveness was measured by taking 55 students as sample using single group pre-test and post-test. After conducting experiment reactions of students and chemistry teacher were collected using reaction scale. The descriptive statistical technique like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test was used to analyse the data. The study found that CAIM is effective for learning concept of chemistry and positive reactions are found towards CAIM of students and chemistry teacher.{end-tooltip} |
Pri. Jignesh J. Parmar |
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{tooltip}Some Best Practices in Classroom Teaching for Professional Development of Teacher Education{end-texte}Abstract – Currently there are endeavors are made by all government and non-government agencies related to educational system of the country at any level to bring quality to teaching, learning and evaluation. The teacher education institutions are more responsible for setting the standard of classroom teaching-learning process. They do prepare teachers for primary secondary and senior secondary school and there for the teachers so trained should be effective & committed to teaching profession. These can only happen if each and every teacher educator is well trained & professionally developed as a teacher-educator to teach excellently in various subject (theory & practical) to the student-teacher is to be teachers with full attainment & enthusiasm.
In this research paper the best practices are deeply discussed by another using her experiences & clues from the resource material. Some best practices in classroom teaching for professional development of teacher educators are (1) Lecture Practices and (2) Climate Setting Practices.
In Lecture practices-lecture questioning, Surveys with exemplifier, Turn to your partner and Halting time, Explication of text, Guided lecturer, Immediate mastery quiz, Storytelling, etc are very important for a test to use during the lecture to make teaching more effective & fruitful similarly, in climate setting practices also following aspects are essential to be put into the practice by Teacher Educators. They are like meets the student teachers needs for physical comfort and accessibility define negotiable and non negotiable areas, clarify the role of teachereducator, clarify the role of student-teacher as a member of a learning Community. Thus, these two practices are important to be followed by teacher educators as part of their professional development & share it will other Teacher Educators to bring Excellency & effectiveness in teaching learning processes being performed at teacher education institutions in the nation at large.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Bindu Patel |
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{tooltip}Biology Teacher’s Opinions on Instruction Activities and the Content of Biology Text Book{end-texte}Abstract – Effective learning is the main aim of all education activities and text books are very important for achieving this aim. Text book also have an important role in determining teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Text books not only provide information but also contribute the development of imaging and intelligence and reading habits. Text books, which are well prepared, help teachers use time effectively in lessons and make positive contributions to student achievements. However, if not prepared carefully, descriptions and figures in textbooks may result in misconceptions. This research article explores the opinion on Instruction Activities and the Content of Biology Text Book. {end-tooltip} |
Pradip Gagalani |