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{tooltip}Stress and Secondary School Students{end-texte}Abstract – The present study was aimed at exploring the nature and intensity of stress encountered by adolescent students of standard X. This research investigation delved into academic self-concept, self-efficacy and socio economic status held by the students of standard X. The main objective being to establish the beneficial role of these powerful self-constructs in alleviating stress. Most importantly, this study is expected to help students themselves to come to terms with the individual worth of a positive academic self-concept and high self-efficacy. It would lead them to believe that they are persons of value and worth, hence deserving high self- regard and possessing a healthy measure of built in self-esteem. It would teach them not to hide behind a mask of self-doubt or insecurity but instead, learn to take criticism in their stride, not get overwhelmed by feelings and never over react to stressful situations.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Dipti N. Trivedi |
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{tooltip}The Impact of Gender, Area, School Environment and Personality on Mental Health{end-texte}Abstract – The impact of the gender, area, school environment and personality on mental health was investigated on 9th secondary school students sample consisting of 265 participants. Use stratified random sampling, stratum urban having144 (118 boys, 26 girls) and rural 121(86 boys, 35 girls) participants. The data were collected by school environment inventory developed by Dr. K.S.Likhia and mental health inventory Gita R. Gida and personality inventory by K.G.Desai.Data was analyzed by ANOVA, t-test and correlation technique. Findings revealed that gender differences were significantly related to mental health while types of area were not significantly related to mental health. The interaction effect of gender and area on mental health was not significant. Personality factors extroversion and neuroticism were no correlation with mental health, but the lie factor was significantly correlated.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Paresh B. Acharya |
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{tooltip}Study of Personality Profile of Addicts & Non addicts{end-texte}Abstract – Personality is based on the individual’s distinct and consistent outlooks and actions or overall style of behavior. Inherited or biological traits are not personality traits except inasmuch as they influence behavior. Addiction is a chronic, but treatable, brain disorder. People who are addicted cannot control their need for alcohol or other drugs, even in the face of negative health, social or legal consequences. This lack of control is the result of alcohol- or drug-induced changes in the brain. Those changes, in turn, cause behavior changes. In developing countries like India addiction is one of the most serious problems. In this scenario wasting energy and resources both for the sake of temporary satisfaction is a cardinal sin. The result does not show much difference between the personality traits of addicts and non addicts in term of standard score. Interpretation was based on the 16 Personality Factors. Addiction is a chronic, but treatable, brain disorder. People who are addicted cannot control their need for alcohol or other drugs, even in the face of negative health, social or legal consequences.{end-tooltip} |
Sunil Gupta |
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{tooltip}A Critical Review on Health Security and Non-Communicable Diseases: World at Glance{end-texte}Abstract – The epidemiological transition has resulted in a double burden of communicable and chronic noncommunicable diseases at global and national label. There is significant and growing opposition to the use of a ‘security’ justification for global health cooperation, particularly on the part of some developing countries. Reaching consensus on what is meant by ‘health security’ and ‘global public health security’, while necessary, will not be easy, because hidden national security agendas will have to be brought out into the open.The Global Burden of Disease study has shown that there is an unequal distribution of total disease burden and health expenditure. The main objective of this research are understand the national and international health related threats like non-communicable diseases and its aim to critically examination the research contributions in the domain of health services. The global label health agencies like World Health Organization and many others originations and associations are arguments health decision makers to develop efficient preventive strategies to halt the increasing trend of non-communicable diseases through the control of risk factors. Still, all most of the developed countries have reacted by pragmatic measures, the trend remain globally passive mainly because developing countries have been, so far, satisfied with adopting national conventions and adhering to international recommendations instead of pragmatic decisions such as which is good place for me doing for any bad practice, controlling alcohol abusers, encouraging physical activity, promoting healthy and nutritional diet and improving basic health facilities (Primary Health Care, CHC) for screening and early detection of chronic diseases as noncommunicable disease.{end-tooltip} |
Ramu Rawat |
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{tooltip}Individual Differences and Use of Constructivist Approach through Technology{end-texte}Abstract – The world is changing at a faster pace and to keep in line with the changing world we need to update our teaching-learning process. Technology has made tremendous progress in the past few years and the application of technology in our present day class room teaching can intern prove to be essential means to overcome the drawback of present Educational System. Class room instruction today has become more of a monotonous and passive activity. The students are the passive inactive listener who mugged up the content in the form it is being taught in class without giving it a second thought. In order to attain Quantity in Education we are losing out the Quality. Our students who are rankers out here at State and National level fail to complete at international level; Why? Its not that the students don’t have ability to compete, they do have, but it’s not nurtured the way it needs to be. The mere mechanical class room teaching of the concept will never create creative citizens. The innate ability of an individual cannot be changed, but of course the environment can be made facilitating and conducive for an individual. To make the class room environment conducive and enhance the teaching-learning process, Technology has major role to play. If the class room instructions include technical inputs, then it would enhance the concept clarity and perception of the students. Even the average and below average students can try to grasp the concepts according to his understanding instead being just passive listeners or seating in class with the absent mind. At least the picture or visual may arise the curiosity in a child and may be he starts thinking in his own rather than accepting blindly what is fed to him. The present paper is an attempt to relate the psychological aspects of a child with technical inputs to facilitate his wholestic development.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Kaushik V. Pandya |
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{tooltip}Impact of New Economic Policy on India’s Foreign Trade{end-texte}Abstract – This study examines the trend pattern of India’s Exports, Imports and Total Trade during the before and after New Economic Policy for this using time series data from 1971 to 2013. Further, the study also analysed the effect of New Economic Policy on India’s Exports, Imports and Total Trade using paired sample‘t’ test. The result revealed that India’s Export, Imports and Total Trade was increased consistently before and after new economic policy but after new economic policy it was increased more before new economic policy. The result also suggests that the growth rate of imports was more than the growth rate of export. The result of paired sample “t” test suggests that there was positive effect of new economic policy on India’s Exports, Imports and Total Trade. It means after the new economic policy India’s Exports, Imports and Total Trade had increased significantly.{end-tooltip} |
Sachin N. Mehta |