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{tooltip}Motives and Experiences of Foreign (Yoga & Spiritual) Tourist Visiting Rishikesh{end-texte}Abstract – The mental strain of the people is increasing worldwide with the rise of consumerist society. Consequently, people are looking for solace in spiritual reading, meditation and moments of divine ecstasy. This has, universally led to increase in Spiritual tourists over the recent years. Globally, India has been respected as a destination of spiritual tourism. It has been observed that spirituality, in general, has recently become an important subject of research in social and business areas. People from across the world now come to India for Ayurveda, yoga and meditation in Rishikesh, The present study highlights on some of the important aspects in the one of the most important spiritual cities of Uttarakhand- ‘Rishikesh”. Rishikesh remains the most preferred spiritual destinations in India amongst foreign tourists.. The research focuses on the quest to find out the motives of Yoga and spirituality travel motives of foreign tourists visiting ashrams in Rishikesh and to analyze the experience of foreign tourists visiting ashrams in Rishikesh. The methodology involved the judgment and convenience sampling that included any individual foreign tourist who was visiting Rishikesh for yoga and spirituality during the time period of January to March 2013. Primary data were collected using survey method with questionnaire schedule using Linkert Scale to collect experiences of foreign tourists to gauge the satisfaction index towards tourism facilities and open ended questions to find out the motives of Yoga and spirituality travel motives of foreign tourists visiting ashrams /Hotels in Rishikesh.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Vinay Rana |
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{tooltip}An Experimental Study for Material Removal Rate in EDM Using Tool of Graphite, Copper & Silver{end-texte}Abstract – The electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the latest non-traditional machining processes, based on thermoelectric energy between the workpiece and tool. The performance of the process, to a large extent, depends on the tool material, workpiece material & manufacturing method of the tool. A suitable selection of tool can reduce the cost of machining. The performance of EDM is find out on the basis of Material Removal Rate (MRR), Overcut (OC), Tool Wear Rate (TWR) and Surface Roughness (SR). The important machining parameters of EDM which affecting on the performance parameters are discharge current, pulse on time, pulse off time, arc gap, flushing pressure, voltage and duty cycle. Taguchi design of experiments is used to conduct experiments by varying the parameters current, pulse on time and pulse off time. The process performance is measured in terms of Material Removal Rate (MRR). In this research EDM experiment using Graphite, Copper & Silver tool & AISI 304 Stainless Steel workpiece has been done for optimizing MRR and reducing cost of manufacturing. Finally it is found that the copper tool is more suitable. In certain characteristics silver tool gives better performance but the cost becomes high for machining so keeping in mind cost and other some characteristics a graphite tool is more suitable than silver tool. The experimental results indicate that the current significantly affects the MRR followed by pulse on time & pulse off time.{end-tooltip} |
Priyesh N. Santoki et al. |
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{tooltip}A Case Study of Amli Lift Irrigation Cooperative Society{end-texte}Abstract – Amli village is located at Mandvi block of Surat District, Gujarat state, India. Amli Lift Irrigation cooperative was registered in year 1992. There are 100 percent tribal members in this irrigation cooperative. AKRSP (I) had completed the construction of lift irrigation project and started irrigation in year 2000. They had done series of trainings for the members of lift irrigation cooperative society for motivation.
Last five years analysis shows that, irrigate an acre land average expenditure was Rs.1000. If any farmer wants to irrigate his land, he should be sure to get additional production worth Rs.1000 due to irrigation. Due to these development work there were positive impact seen at Amli village some them summarised:
- Increased area under irrigation from 10acres to 104 acres;
- Income increased per household: Rs.30, 600;
- Every month payment received for milk selling from milk cooperative: Rs.48,000;
Amli lift irrigation cooperative proved that the lift irrigation can play important role in enhancing livelihood of tribal people. This successful example can be replicate and scale-up in tribal area of South Gujarat.{end-tooltip} |
Umesh Desai |
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{tooltip}Review: Life Increment of Disc Break Pads Using Various Materials by CAE Tools{end-texte}Abstract – Brake pads are a component of disc brakes used in automotive and other applications. Brake pads are steel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disk brake rotor. In this present paper first of all find out the brake pads which is used in automobile industries and laboratory testing of the material is proceed and then thermo mechanical analysis is done for the finding out the stresses and maximum temperature. The analysis is done in ANSYS. Then Find out the materials which give the more life.{end-tooltip} |
Mr. Brijesh R. Patel |
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{tooltip}Diagnostic of Errors Committed By 9th Grade Students in Solving Problems in Geometry{end-texte}Abstract – The aim of this paper is to identify the different types of errors and learning difficulties committed by IX standard students in solving geometrical problem. A standardized mathematics diagnostic cum achievement test constructed by the investigator was used for identifying the common errors and understand the learning difficulties. In the present study descriptive survey research method was mainly adopted. Data was collected from 900 class nine students. Results show that students commit concept error (82.8%), defective algorithm (78.1%), misused data (71.4%), calculation error (73.3%), and technical error (76.2%) respectively.{end-tooltip} |
Mrs. R. D. Padmavathy |
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{tooltip}Present Problems of English Language Instruction among the Students of Secondary Level{end-texte}Abstract – The main objectives of the study are 1. To study the English language teaching process at secondary level in Gujarati medium schools in terms of objectives, syllabus, prescribed textbook, methodology, techniques adopted and skills used. 2. To identify the tasks and exercises used by the teachers for teaching the English language i.e. LSRW 3. To provide a set of suggestions for the effective teaching of English language at secondary level. The descriptive survey design was employed for the present study. 37 teachers were taken as the sample of the study out of 50 teachers teaching English subject at secondary level of Vashistha Shala Vikas Sankool, Visnagar block of Mehsana District and 15 teachers real classroom teaching learning was observed by the researcher himself. Questionnaire and Observation Schedule have been used for collecting data. The data have been analyzed by the investigator using appropriate statistical techniques namely frequencies and percentage. The findings of the study are 1. It is found that the present syllabus don’t sustain the interest of the students for language acquisition. 2. A majority of teachers neglect speaking and listening skills. 3. It is found that the teachers don’t make use of effective methods and techniques for developing four skills i.e. LSRW. 4. Majority of teachers use only mother tongue to teach English language. 5. It is found that majority of teachers use only Grammar translation method in classroom. 6. Teachers don’t use any audio-visual aids in classroom. 7. Teachers don’t give any additional task or exercise except given at the end of the each lesson. 8 It is found that majority of teachers focus only on reading skill. 10. Average numbers of teachers don’t encourage children to speak English in classroom.{end-tooltip} |
Dr. Jayesh M. Patel |
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{tooltip}The Attitudes of B.Ed. Trainees towards Privatization in Teacher Education{end-texte}Abstract – There is no doubt that privatization will give quality education but it opposes a basic constitutional right i.e. right to equality. Because it will lead to upliftment of upper class or economically strong people. Poor student will continuously decline from main stream. The question that arises is that why cannot government provide free higher education? We are all aware of the fact that any individual who only had his primary education is not eligible for earning the bare minimum that is required for his or her survival. So researcher has decided to study the attitudes of parents towards Privatization of education.{end-tooltip} |
Manisha Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}Effect of CAI exercises on the Students of Standard Eight{end-texte}Abstract – The researcher decided to study the effect of CAI exercises on the students of standard 8th of Mehsana district. Therefore, the researcher constructed the tool of CAI learning package regarding the English subject of standard 8th. The sample was selected randomly for data assortment. t-test were applied in favour of analyzed the data. Null Hypothesis created to find out the significant different at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significant.{end-tooltip} |
Vaishali J. Chaudhari |
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{tooltip}Basic Catalyzed Rapid Three-Component Synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran at Ambient Temperature{end-texte}Abstract – An efficient and convenient approach for the synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran derivatives under mild condition using the piperidine as an efficient base catalyst is described. A wide range of aromatic aldehydes easily undergo condensation with malononitrile and 5,5-dimethylcyclohexane1,3-dione (dimedone) to afford the desired products in excellent yields. Taking into account the environmental and economical considerations, the present protocol has the merits of environmentally benign procedure such as shorter reaction time, low cost, recycling of the catalyst and simple workup.{end-tooltip} |
Divyang H.Gandhi et al. |